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I just PMed you a while ago saying you could. I deleted the s3&k version, I just made that because I found a kool image that would look good as the life icon.
I dont think theres anything wrong with the blue after-image. Think of Fox in SSBM, his after image is blue.
Well it's not like this is the official knuckles, just for you to use until the official one is made.
I cant give you an example with an echidna but I can with something extremely close, Shadows was yellow in SA2, but I understand that Knuckles needs a red one, I was just pointing something out.
Shadow's thok after image was yellow/gold From Sonic Adventure 2 to Shadow the hegehog.

But from the videos I've seen on sonic 2006, his thok after image is now
Just my 2 cents.

Now let's get back on topic.
(Never knew why his thok was yellow anyway.)
i like it :D it is good i am working on a wad too...but :oops: i cant do it alone so DD_DAZ is helping me ever seen him? :mrgreen: i know its offtopic
This is great. I wish they would use cartoon sprites like sonic and tails like you did. But this IS the best Srb2 based knuckles wad I have ever seen!

I've fixed the heads on the D1-K1 and D5-K5, and fixed the wad's alignment. He doesn't wobble around. I didn't touched the shading, though. I also remade the Looking-Down head for the side only, for a better falling and running animation. Finally, some shoes were too damn small, so I made them a bit bigger.

Here's Nitro's reply on it:
nitro_the_hedghog said:
Well, to most people it will probably seem as though you didn't edit it at all. It still has the inproportionate hands and bright red. I fixed the jump and bright red though. Here,

It's really too bad that the red Pallete is too bright. It'd be nice if the 1.1 pallete replaced the dark pallete with the light one, so that it can be exactly like the Blue pallete. It would also help by avoiding seeing SSNTails' Knuckles with a light blue forehead.
I didn't like the previous version of Nitro's Knuckles, but this one is barely better.

I don't like the fact that the amount of reds the official Knuckles used had been reduced to only 3 in this character WAD. He also looks a bit too dark a red now. I think your Knuckles should have it's brightest shade of red made a bit brighter, and the other shades of red made darker, just so his sprites looks more like the official Knux's sprites.

I'm a bit happier about the walking frames now the head doesn't "wobble around", but his back walking frame still needs a bit of work, as I don't think Knux's head should turn that far left or right, should it?

Now the running frames still don't look that good, and the side running sprites don't help that much. Make his head a bit more forward and down, and make his dreadlocks move towards his back, so that he looks more like he's moving fast than he is now. The dreadlocks on the glide frames should have the same effect as well.

That's my constructive criticism for this character.
I personally think you shouldn't really bother with this wad, considering Knux's probably going to be finished by SSNTails himself by at least May.
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