A big thing that his crouch does is prevent players from spamming the glide relentlessly, and it encourages using normal jumps to maintain speed over gaps rather than being able to basically just have a better thok, because unfortunately that's all it is when there's no punishment- a thok that isn't as fast but is controllable and lets you skip over more platforming. Without the crouch Knuckles feels... just... wrong, in my opinion. Even back in 2.1 when he didn't have the crouch I very much never played him compared to Sonic or Tails because he never felt right to me, but now that he has the crouch he feels... fine? I don't know why or how, but it just makes him more satisfying to land from a glide with.
Multi-glide I guess could work for knuckles, but at the same time it makes his glide, which is already pretty strong, even stronger. I don't think this is needed, but I do think he could have more methods of moving if he MUST have something- though personally I think he's just right given how much movement he already has via the wall-climb.
S&K overrated this is supposed to be better than the classics anyway. Plus this is a 3D game, 3D doesn't perfectly transition into 3D, we need more we all deep down know i'm right. :moyai:
I don't think anyone ever said srb2 is supposed to be better than the classics, and deep down I think you're wrong. Let's not claim everyone's thoughts are the same as yours 'deep down'- I don't think you're enforcing your opinion as fact but that's how it's reading.
Not to mention Knuckles needs the 'nerf' even MORE in 3d because there's more direction to go, more options to choose, and thusly more methods to go fast and more methods to break the stage.
I think Knuckles is in a fine place right now, maybe some minor tweaks could be done overall, but really, he doesn't need a revamp or overhaul like some people seem to think he does, in my opinion. Maybe I'd make his glide a bit faster but that's about it.