Kings Of SRB2?

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We ALL know who the real King is of Srb2, SSNtails himself!

For a long time, I thought the same thing, until I got to play with him in a netgame (which was very long ago, and won't happen again).

And, I haven't seen mystic host a server in FOREVER.

I have. The last time he hosted was around 4-5 weeks ago, when he came onto teamspeak.
I'll just consider myself number 1 in time attack until somebody beats this:

(Ignore CEZ3, I accidentally got that time through a bug..)
I am personally more interested in how he got through THZ so fast. I don't memorize times but I generally take longer than a minute to get through it, even running wildly through the traps. The first one is also a little tedious for a time attack. (tower climbing or barrel hopping)

I'm no where near the best at anything, but I am kinda proud of myself for reaching PAZ in MR (without cheating), unlocking the ultimate cheat (ditto), and completing AGZ3 with Sonic in less then 60-90 seconds using the white shield.

As for multiplayer, I have never played a decent CTF game, (most being 1v1 with my brother), and never played matches with anyone outside my family. I generally alternate between cautiously ambushing and death match style battling depending on the level.

It would be interesting to see who is the best at what, but aside from 'Wow! You izz teh b3st!11!1one' sort of things (and of course bragging) I see no purpose in it.
I'm with cueball on this one. I consider myself a competent enough player, but not only do I not play as much as I used to, I also usually am only hosting my own server, which means I'm not kept track of in FF's stats. There's no need for a grand list of skilled and unskilled players. Play a netgame with someone for one round and you'll easily be able to tell their skill level.
I'm particularly decent at SRB2, but I don't really go into many games on the Master Server mostly because of the onslaught of rule-breaking servers. I mostly play with a few banned members here (hee hee hee) using my special non-Master Server related program.

No, it's not Port Magic.
It's weird. I suck at Match. I mean, really suck. It's unbelievably horrible how much I suck at Match, but in CTF, I can totally own anyone (except for a select few, har har har). Also, Race comes a bit natural to me, even though I don't use mouselook or strafe.

Although, I don't think I'm good enough to be in any top 10, or top 50... maybe a top 100 or something.
Most frequent chat: 10/sec by Flameshadowxeroshin. Fun stat ideas. And maybe you could have a live Master Server high score!
NeoJames said:
MokuMoku said:
Choose what class you are best in and submit your information.

My name is NeoJames and my highest score in SRB2 is 9999999999

<.< >.>


Ok so it's actually less than the score NeoJames apparently got.
I'll Begin said:
Ok so it's actually less than the score NeoJames apparently got.
I never got that score

I was just showing that someone could easily lie about their score in MokuMoku's highscore idea
Maybe a bit off, but relevant enough...
Which server recorded these statistics?

Edit: These statistics were taken when I was only a week old in SRB2. I think I can actually prove a force now.
MokuMoku said:
I have an idea to have a list of 5 or 10 kings of srb2. This will help seperate the best from the noobs. If you like this idea and you want to apply to be a king, post your srb2 username(your netgame name) and your stats(your highest score). Now, there will be 4 classes. The classes are: CTF, Race, Match, and Tag. Choose what class you are best in and submit your information. 4 classes: 5-10 people each. Once we have the complete list for the 4 classes we will start a list for the best SRB2 players of all time.

Best SRB2 players of all time: Once the 4 lists are complete, we will choose the top players of the classes and have a poll. Once the poll is complete we will have our official list for the best players of all time!

Logan_GBA shouls really be doing this. Then it's a worldwide rankings list. But it only registers if there are a certain amount of people.
I played in ctf 2 times where I went against 3 reds all against just me (1 blue) and I beat them easily. I only find a few competent opponents at rare occasions. Then again, who said the competent players saw my server?

Another time was this guy named mike. It was just me and him left in CTF, as soon as he turned red, I started going for his flag, right when I got it, he said "ech" and left cause I guess he's tired of me playing ctf. In race on greenflower my fastest time is 19, a far cry from 13 seconds, but still competent to plenty.

All in all, I'm not sure if I deserve to be in the list, but I wouldn't mind proving myself to the scoreboard.

@Yuni: I only played against Logan_GBA once I think. I forgot how that turned out, but I think things were pretty even.
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