Kid Radd

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Kid Radd is an animated pseudo-sprite comic which can be found at

It is called a pseudo-sprite comic because the sprites didn't come from a game. They were all drawn completely from scratch by Dan Miller, the comic's author.

Why mention yet another pointless webcomic here? Because this one is quite far above average, as it actually has a storyline (a beginning, a middle, and an ending), it's animated, and it's completely original.

Anyway, the reason I've been trolling and spamming about it so much (hell, it's still in my sig) is because I have been programming Kid Radd. The nonexistant game now exists, along with KRIME, Kid Radd's internal map editor.

This is not pointless hype, though. I have plenty of material now. All of which I either took from the comic, had Parsec compose for me (He did all the good and original overglorified 8-bit music and sound effects for the game), or made myself (And I made quite a bit myself!)... For the most part, I have been working on this alone and fewer than 20 people have appreciated my work.

I just made this video of me fighting Gnarl, Kid Radd's final boss character, using KRIME to place him in the map. It's quite entertaining, though I unfortunately lose to Gnarl's godly powers. He isn't actually a boss character as you know it, though. He is, in reality, a bot. Programmed just like SRB2JTE's bots. Except in 2D. And designed to duel with you.

Which is to say, you could play as Gnarl and fight Radd as well. Or any of the other dueling combinations, as I have made 6 playable characters thus far and left room for as many more as you have the sprites for. The "wadding" system for this game is quite simple, and far easier, as most things are automated but possible to be explicitly specified in case of error.

If that's not enough, I've also recently added an Endless mode, which randomly generates a map for you to run through. It's not finished yet (and because of this, it has an ending), but it can be quite fun.

After all this rambling, hopefully some of you want to at least give Kid Radd/KRIME a try, right? Well here! Have a beta I just zipped up after making that video! Heck, it's even smaller then the video itself.

Be sure to read the (slightly outdated) readme to get all the controls and whatnot... And be warned that Fullscreen mode has some issues left to work out yet and making the window bigger could potentially make the game run slower, though neither should be too much of a problem...
You should all go to and read the whole way through. This way you can learn a neat little cheat code. ^_~
Yeah. Halfway through the fight, I hop on a rocketboard using the "neat little cheat code" and fly around. Fun fun.
You made a Kid Radd GAME?! YEARGHBBLEalncaiwncnl;mcam; *explodes*
Yep... That's what I've been doing for the last few months/years/whatever... *wipes a bit of Arrow's flesh off him*
I fixed the little bug in the animation when you shoot while jumping (It was a result of recently adding the rocketboard shooting animation), made tiles resizable in KRIME (So now it'd actually be possible to make a full level in it, once I get the camlock limits to be resizable as well), and added these ninja things:

... Because every good 8-bit game has an evil red ninja thing of some kind, am I right? Ok, so in Ghouls 'n Ghosts it was flying red demons, but same thing...
A god, eh? It'd certainly take a miracle of god to make Kid Radd's community active again... :cry:

Even so, I have #KidRadd on AccessIRC ready, Kid Radd's message board all colored up and pretty again, KRIME can now resize the camera limits and delete objects/tiles (so you can now make everything in KRIME except the sky, I think), all minor enemys have an alternate version which only becomes active when it first appears onscreen, ...

Once I get a bit farther into making the map, I'll program the first boss and make another beta release... Or something... Hopefully it won't be TOO hard for you to handle...
The video's encoded in DivX, so if you can't view it, download the codec.

I'd also like to add that SDL_Mixer is baaaad. Doesn't support filters in module music, so Redd's title music doesn't sound like it's supposed to.

And by the way, who did the music for Redd Track 6?
All of the normal and kr_final.mid music was made by Parsec, who also made the sound effects, but Redd's music I pretty randomly picked from my Earthbound folder, for the most part... I removed the music for later versions, mostly for size, partially because I don't want any angry musical artists to get mad at me in the near future...

Redd's kr_06.ogg was originally Giygas Revamp.mp3 by J-Troop. I'm sorry this data got lost in the conversion to ogg.

SDL_mixer doesn't support proper impulse tracker loop point thingys either, so in the version before this the music didn't loop properly either. This made Gnarl's theme sound even more annoying when it looped then it does now with the half a second of silence.

I'd use OpenAL or something, but I only know how to use SDL_mixer and FMOD at the moment, and I haven't used FMOD in a very long time... :(
Kid Radd's source code is now available via the public SRB2 SVN server Logan/Alam hosts... I can't believe I wrote 286,018 bytes of source code so far, all by myself, without keeping any backups or anything...
Could you perhaps use something other than sendspace? I get an error claiming that I'm already downloading something when I try to download from it
fox.dx2... you're not meant to get past the first level, there basically IS no first level. It's just a beta D:.
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