New name: "Blivsey"
I would like to say that my WAD-making skills have improved since the incident, BUT that would only be half-true. They have, but tons of kinks have remained (aka zoom tube, teleport, 2D, ect.). SOCs are becoming almost second-nature to me, with a !PRIVATE-DON'T-ASK-FOR-IT! "unlimited invincibility with a water shield" and a few cutscenes (including my favorite scene, "Sonic sleeps...", and the infamous screwup,
<RedXVI> GO AWAY!!! <Sonic> How?).
My levels are upcoming as:
r_ghzrace.wad 100%
mtf_quadvillages.wad 100% <== BEST WAD I MADE
f_SA_turbulentcity.wad 90% <- Pain to make
I also have some characters:
siege_tech-sonic.wad 100%--------Based on the Tech class from Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy's Siege game. TO CLARIFY, IT'S JUST SOME CUSTOM ABILITIES!
rollsthekit.wad 95%--------My alter-ego :)
A few random things:
sonicitems 100-%--------Look at all the Sonic! Ideas acknowledged, explaining the 100-%--never done!
tailstrauma.wad 100-%--------My type of graphics wad.
knuxkrash.wad 100-%--------Hint: Look at the starposts for some real fun on these!
superscheme 100-%--------Duh.
animation.soc 100-%--------Just wanted to add some dazzle to the drab. Starposts see stars, boxes truly explode, and Eggman gives you a present after you beat him!
I've missed you all the time, and until my computer is re-fitted with internet, I will miss you.
Adiós, tableros del mensaje. Tails estén a usted todo.
EDIT: I am SO mad at my drive... It hath gone and screweth up. I will be unable to update anything until this problem has been fixed... but I have updated the completion %s.
EDIT2: YAY! Computer fixed! I am celebrating... by making ALL of you wonder about my new secret project...
EDIT3: Parent's computer busted. Parental solution: Steal MY engine, an effective ixnay to my oductivitypray. Not a big deal, though, because I've got Pearl Version now (!).
<RedXVI> GO AWAY!!! <Sonic> How?).
My levels are upcoming as:
r_ghzrace.wad 100%
mtf_quadvillages.wad 100% <== BEST WAD I MADE
f_SA_turbulentcity.wad 90% <- Pain to make
I also have some characters:
siege_tech-sonic.wad 100%--------Based on the Tech class from Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy's Siege game. TO CLARIFY, IT'S JUST SOME CUSTOM ABILITIES!
rollsthekit.wad 95%--------My alter-ego :)
A few random things:
sonicitems 100-%--------Look at all the Sonic! Ideas acknowledged, explaining the 100-%--never done!
tailstrauma.wad 100-%--------My type of graphics wad.
knuxkrash.wad 100-%--------Hint: Look at the starposts for some real fun on these!
superscheme 100-%--------Duh.
animation.soc 100-%--------Just wanted to add some dazzle to the drab. Starposts see stars, boxes truly explode, and Eggman gives you a present after you beat him!
I've missed you all the time, and until my computer is re-fitted with internet, I will miss you.
Adiós, tableros del mensaje. Tails estén a usted todo.
EDIT: I am SO mad at my drive... It hath gone and screweth up. I will be unable to update anything until this problem has been fixed... but I have updated the completion %s.
EDIT2: YAY! Computer fixed! I am celebrating... by making ALL of you wonder about my new secret project...
EDIT3: Parent's computer busted. Parental solution: Steal MY engine, an effective ixnay to my oductivitypray. Not a big deal, though, because I've got Pearl Version now (!).