Just a thought

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What's an adventure field, anyway? Digiku said the magic words ("linedef special"), so now I'm interested.
In Sonic Adventure, they had these "Adventure Fields", which were really just a glorified name for a hub world. In other words, a world where all the other worlds connect to via different exits.

If you played Super Mario 64, the castle is a hub world.
Ah, so it would be linetype 71, Custom Exit. Quite a fine linedef special, if I may say so myself.
In Final 1.1 you'll be able to open up new areas in a level depending on if you've beaten another level. (I.e., how you couldn't go to Red Mountain as soon as you had access to the Mystic Ruins)
That would really be a good idea, regardless of the fact that it wouldn't be classic Sonic.

Hey, I got an idea! Mabey that could be like a lobby, AKA Phantasy Star Online, where the players meet up and stuffs!
There are problems with that:

#1 - It would require a centralized, master server for everybody to meet up at. SRB2 doesn't have this, and probably won't have one.

#2 - Tying into #1, without a "master server", the only remaining reason for a lobby would be to stand around and talk -- you could simply make a map with no rings in it if you wanted to do that.

#3 - I can't speak for SRB2's netcode because my router prevents me from playing online games like that, and I never checked it out on 56k, but anything over six people would probably cause massive lag. If SRB2 had the master server to fuel the lobby idea, I assume it would be pretty popular, meaning it might quickly overload.

A standard listing of active servers would probably do just fine.
Knuckles MetalMind said:
Mmmmmm... Only good thing for that could be secret areas with secret levels...

Yeah, like finding a secret area in a level. My idea would be to put one of these sectors in the pipe at the end of Mario Koopa Blast 2. Then the player would come out of the pipe and jump for the flagpole.

Would pipe travel be easier this way or not?
Or stand on the edge of the pipe, jump up and smash the third block, jump through and on top of the blocks, pass the exit, get in a secret area, and choose any level they want to play via labeled pipes. Wait... That's been done...
Yes, like SA2 and having to contend with chaos to beat the game. Popular idea that works!
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