Insane Idealist
Okay, so I made a big post and the board logged me out and lost it all. Understandably I'm quite annoyed with that so I'm going to try and keep it more brief this time. Basic story is, I'm bored with the lack of custom SRB2 content right now so I thought I'd take it up for myself and see if I can't speed things up. While I'm getting a feel for the code, I'd simply like to know which of my prospective milestones aren't possible in any sense of the word (advice on the stuff that IS, is still welcome, though I'm fine with figuring it out on my own until experience doesn't really solve it) and I'll probably come back later with an edit/borderline recolour that everyone can scoff at. =P
- Replacing the spindash with a projectile move. My plan right now is to replace the thok graphic with the projectile itself, but only display said thok graphics when the roll button is released. Bonus points for allowing a negative number as the speed setting, so as to move a small distance backwards as if blown back by the recoil.
- A midair ability similar to Sonic's thok, but dives straight into the ground instead of shooting forward (not to be confused with a 0 speed thok, which would cease momentum altogether and drop much slower) and cause a small area-of-effect damage radius apon hitting the ground. Maybe via use of spawning a SOC object that explodes on impact and has exactly the same speed as the thok?
- Being able to use the above seperately from a secondary ability (preferably Tails flying right now, with slower lateral speed but greater vertical gain) would be sweet, if at all possible.
- A CTF flag that can move on its own and even display it's own behaviours (run away from an enemy player after spotting one, wandering around aimlessly some time after being dropped, being stunned when shot or harmed, etc). Mostly for experimentation's sake at this point - I thought it'd be pretty cool to see an objective denying and running away from other players. XD
- Replacing the spindash with a projectile move. My plan right now is to replace the thok graphic with the projectile itself, but only display said thok graphics when the roll button is released. Bonus points for allowing a negative number as the speed setting, so as to move a small distance backwards as if blown back by the recoil.
- A midair ability similar to Sonic's thok, but dives straight into the ground instead of shooting forward (not to be confused with a 0 speed thok, which would cease momentum altogether and drop much slower) and cause a small area-of-effect damage radius apon hitting the ground. Maybe via use of spawning a SOC object that explodes on impact and has exactly the same speed as the thok?
- Being able to use the above seperately from a secondary ability (preferably Tails flying right now, with slower lateral speed but greater vertical gain) would be sweet, if at all possible.
- A CTF flag that can move on its own and even display it's own behaviours (run away from an enemy player after spotting one, wandering around aimlessly some time after being dropped, being stunned when shot or harmed, etc). Mostly for experimentation's sake at this point - I thought it'd be pretty cool to see an objective denying and running away from other players. XD