JTE music glitch

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I was playing JTE with metalsonic and all the chaos emerald(objecplace=fun). Then,while i was in super form,the song ''supersonic'' play. But when i hit a speed box (box with a shoe on it) the song supesonic continue to play but in like 4x the speed of the song XD.
Try it out.

1-all chaos emerald

2-50 rings(duh)

3-hit speed box

You guys need to give JTE more credit for SRB2JTE. The following SRB2 special effects actually originated from SRB2JTE (If I recall correctly):
  • Afterimages. (Will in 1.1 to some extent)
  • Sprite Scaling. (Such as the inflating shield effect. Will be in 1.1)
  • OpenGL sprite shadows.
  • JTE Fog. (better looking fog in OpenGL. If I recall correctly, this'll be in 1.1)
  • Speed Shoes music speed effect in levels with NOSSMUSIC = 1 (Stop giving Shuffle credit for this. It was ported it to 1.09.4 with PrettySRB2, but JTE was the original creator. It's now on the SVN code, so pretty much every EXE mod except SRB2 Riders has it. The point is, JTE did it first.)
  • General OpenGL fixes such as transparent FOFs.
So JTE should be getting credit for this. Not Shuffle. Not anyone else.
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