Well if anyone is wondering where I've been, I've got a new job and started working on a new level! Jade Sunset is a tropic island level which is still in early alpha but here are some screeneys to look at.
This is the tallest point in this part off the level. It's where you can look at most of the place and the springs of water come from.
This would be the shore area of the island soon to be islands. The water has a nice green tent, but don't worry the water is very clean and you can play all day at this resort. ;)
Want to race around the islands at top speed? Have fun the chaos Emeralds are waiting for you next to 4 boxes of 25 rings! Go hyper while your at it!
Thanks to Mystic and Shuffle I was able to get rid of those nasty ribbons! This is a screeny of the level without them.
Well I won't realese this until this island is up and running, I have quite a few things to fix and add. So if you liked my little tutorial level your going to enjoy this nice set of islands! Stay tuned for release Version A1 !
Version A.
Version A1.
This is the tallest point in this part off the level. It's where you can look at most of the place and the springs of water come from.
This would be the shore area of the island soon to be islands. The water has a nice green tent, but don't worry the water is very clean and you can play all day at this resort. ;)
Want to race around the islands at top speed? Have fun the chaos Emeralds are waiting for you next to 4 boxes of 25 rings! Go hyper while your at it!
Thanks to Mystic and Shuffle I was able to get rid of those nasty ribbons! This is a screeny of the level without them.
Well I won't realese this until this island is up and running, I have quite a few things to fix and add. So if you liked my little tutorial level your going to enjoy this nice set of islands! Stay tuned for release Version A1 !
Version A.
Version A1.