Is autoexec.cfg supported in DR3?


play bishi bashi
Some time ago I decided to make an autoexec.cfg file that just loads a few cosmetic addons (which exist in the addons folder and next to RingRacers.exe). However I found that when launching the game, the addons were not present. I know this isn't a problem with the commands I'm using because I can open up the console and type "exec autoexec.cfg" and the addons will load just fine. Do I need to use a different name for the cfg file to make it run? Or is autoexec not supported at all in Ring Racers?
If I remember correctly, it's now called 'ringexec.cfg'. Other than that, it's the same.

I prefer to just put my mods in a folder and have it load that folder directly, using a batch file:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -c Start-Process ringracers_hep2_v2.3.exe -ArgumentList ([String[]]("""-skipintro""","""-file""",(gci "addons" -Recurse -Include *.soc,*.lua,*.pk3,*.wad "|" select -exp Name)))

My Ring Racers exe name is different because I use a custom build, and -skipintro is there to, well, skip the intro logos. The only thing with this method is it will load *all* the mods in the addons folder, so move the ones you don't want to load somewhere else.

I do it this way because if I recall correctly one of the devs back in the Kart 2 days mentioned it being quicker than an autoexec. I don't actually know if that's true, but it definitely loads up pretty sharpish, and at least it saves the time spent typing out mods one by one in an exec file.
Yeah it was ringexec.cfg. It looks like the addfile command is pulling from the addons folder instead of the root directory (although it's probably configured to do both).

Also, what is this ringracers_hep2_v2.3.exe? I can't find any information about it online.