IRC Quotes topic.

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* SSNTails has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i need the SSN magnet to get SSN back here
* Flame_the_hedgehog looks for it
<Digiku> Use the south pole. It works more.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<OmegaHedgehog> XP

and this is the time when spazzo's batteries were going dead and spazzo was trying to quit
<Spazzo> i gg2g2g2g. ^Y^^____`~
<DarkWarrior> This does go to IRC topic though, because it's hilarious.
<Spazzo> kk
<Spazzo> bbyeyeye
<Spazzo> /quti :DD
<Flame_the_hedgehog> lol
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> /qtuit :D
<DarkWarrior> XD
* Retrieving #DMSC modes...
<Spazzo> =)((
<Spazzo> /uit ;d
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> /quit ;d
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> ....
<Flame_the_hedgehog> im putting this in the quotes topic, when spazzo leaves
* Spazzo has quit IRC (Quit: when nwlill ists sto?)
Spazzo's batteries died, and...Well...
-Spazzo- dmit >-
<DarkWarrior> o.O
<DarkWarrior> Ghost is back.
<Spazzo> Spare batteries. :D
<Spazzo> I want in #srb2fun now. >=(
<Spazzo> for gods sake, I did what he asked, why am I not unbanned?
<DarkWarrior> Message him.
<DarkWarrior> :|
<Spazzo> Trying to
<Spazzo> Dont tell me he went back to PSOBB
<Spazzo> Get another mod to unban me. He must of left.
<DarkWarrior> Op, Spazzo.
<DarkWarrior> Silly Spazzo.
<Spazzo> ?..
* Joins: Flame_the_hedgehog (
<Spazzo> dosent matter
<Spazzo> LET ME-..>FLAME!
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o
<07+Mikel93> Hi flame.
<Spazzo> Stupid FF left, and I cant get back in
<Flame_the_hedgehog> hi there spazz :)
<Spazzo> Dark, just get it out there. FF left, and I cant rejoin
<Spazzo> I rl want back i
<Spazzo> NO! ths batteris are dyng!
<Spazzo> CRP!
<DarkWarrior> o.O
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> CCCCCCRap
<Flame_the_hedgehog> you cant get back into srb2fun?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> ?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> :(
<Spazzo> batttrtis lo
<Flame_the_hedgehog> darn
<Spazzo> keybod
<Spazzo> wwwwwwwwah
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Flame_the_hedgehog
<Spazzo> tesing new btriesss
<Spazzo> dammmmmmmmmi
<Flame_the_hedgehog> so.. spazz, what made you come on IRC this time?
<DarkWarrior> Failing new btriesss
<Spazzo> o ,, rigt
<Spazzo> iiiiiiim vvoor thhha dprsio
<Spazzo> deeeeprsuin
<Spazzo> dep
<Spazzo> rst
<Spazzo> on
<Flame_the_hedgehog> lol
<Spazzo> nt caud by s21888
<Spazzo> god elpm
<Spazzo> help
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o_o;
<Spazzo> nd btries
<Flame_the_hedgehog> what type of batteries does your keyboard take?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> AA batteries?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> AAA batteries?
<Spazzo> darwrrrirr is prbllly logggggng ths all
<Spazzo> AAAAA
<Spazzo> AAASAAS
<DarkWarrior> Yes Spazzo.
<Spazzo> dbl a
<Flame_the_hedgehog> Ah
<Flame_the_hedgehog> hey spazz, i recommend getting some rechargable batteries, and a charger
<DarkWarrior> Want me to stop logging?
<Spazzo> dnst mtr
<Spazzo> doooosnt
<DarkWarrior> What?
<Spazzo> matttr
<Spazzo> dos
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> ntot
<Spazzo> matttttt
<DarkWarrior> This is gold.
<Spazzo> r
<Spazzo> >>>__<
<Flame_the_hedgehog> <spazzo> Doesnt matter
<Flame_the_hedgehog> thats what it is XP
<DarkWarrior> Let's all ask Spazzo questions, and see how his answers come out.
<DarkWarrior> :)
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Spazzo> ocraaa
<Spazzo> p
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i think, very typo;d
<DarkWarrior> Spazzo, how many favorite colors do you have, and what are they?
<DarkWarrior> Please answer in complete sentences.
<Spazzo> ii havvv 1 favvvit clr
<Flame_the_hedgehog> orange? lol
<Spazzo> onge is mmm favit clllll
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<DarkWarrior> This is fun.
<DarkWarrior> Your next, Flame.
<Spazzo> oooooooooran
<Spazzo> ggge
<DarkWarrior> *You're
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i dont know what to ask :/
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Spazzo> thnk gooooooood
<DarkWarrior> Anything that requires a fair answer.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> hm.....
<Flame_the_hedgehog> alright
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i got one
<Flame_the_hedgehog> Spazzo, do you have any pets? and if so... what kind of pets and how many?
<DarkWarrior> Ask it! Ask it!
<Flame_the_hedgehog> late
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Spazzo> iiii hhhhvsavve 33 prtt
<DarkWarrior> 33 pets? o.O
<Spazzo> doog
<Spazzo> oon dog
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o
<Spazzo> 1 dg
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i think hes saying he has 3 pets
<Flame_the_hedgehog> 1 dog
<Flame_the_hedgehog> and...
<Spazzo> thhhhat it
<Spazzo> 1 duog
<Flame_the_hedgehog> oh
<Flame_the_hedgehog> thats it?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> cool :)
<DarkWarrior> I have a dog.
<DarkWarrior> And a fish.
<DarkWarrior> What's your dog's name? What's his breed?
<Spazzo> cchchhhchesrtre
<DarkWarrior> Where'd you get him? When did you get him?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o?
<Spazzo> chersrster
<DarkWarrior> Is it a him? Is it a her?
<Spazzo> himm
<Spazzo> ckkokcapoo
<Spazzo> cokpo
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Spazzo> cokapo
<Spazzo> ckokaaapooo
<Spazzo> cockapoo
<Flame_the_hedgehog> cokapoo?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> lol
<Spazzo> ::::O i ddid iiit
<DarkWarrior> XD
<DarkWarrior> What's his name?
<Spazzo> chhchcehster
<Spazzo> chsrte
<Spazzo> chestser
<Spazzo> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<Spazzo> cc
<Spazzo> hhg
<Spazzo> e
<Spazzo> s
<Spazzo> t
<Spazzo> ee
<Spazzo> r
<DarkWarrior> How old is he?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> 99 munny
<Spazzo> 4 ylrs
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Flame_the_hedgehog> oh
<Flame_the_hedgehog> nice
<DarkWarrior> Was he spayed?
<Spazzo> nurdrd, itssss guy
<Spazzo> ys
<Spazzo> nudersd
<DarkWarrior> [17:21] <DarkWarrior> Don't point that out.
<DarkWarrior> [17:21] <DarkWarrior> I know that spay = girl.
<DarkWarrior> [17:21] <DarkWarrior> I want to see his response.
<DarkWarrior> :)
<DarkWarrior> This is funny.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<DarkWarrior> This will go in the quotes topic.
<Spazzo> >>-.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> yay
<Spazzo> grtat
<Flame_the_hedgehog> erm...
<Spazzo> ggg
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i think spazzo is pissed
<Spazzo> am nt
<Flame_the_hedgehog> :o
<Spazzo> think i ixed tit a bi
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i understood that
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<DarkWarrior> I think he finds it just as funny.
<Spazzo> i think i fixred it a bit
<Spazzo> ::O
<DarkWarrior> I have batteries, Spazzo.
<DarkWarrior> Want them?
<DarkWarrior> :P
<Spazzo> you takkkkkakakake chesquse??/
<DarkWarrior> Yes.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> Spazz, its good to have a labtop, or a keyboard that connects without batteries XD
<DarkWarrior> But I prefer credit card.
<Spazzo> llalbbtop??/ llolol
<DarkWarrior> ;)
<Flame_the_hedgehog> is your keyboard wireless
<Flame_the_hedgehog> ?
<Spazzo> noduh
<Flame_the_hedgehog> oh
<Spazzo> yyayyay
<Spazzo> aw poo
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> yippppppppppppppppppppppppee
<Spazzo> cp
<Spazzo> crap
<Spazzo> ireally need new bnattertis
<Flame_the_hedgehog> do you have a AC adapter to your keyboard?
<Spazzo> no
<Spazzo> ium tryi ng tio makee it loks betr
<Spazzo> immnot an itiot
<DarkWarrior> It's not you.
<DarkWarrior> :P
<Flame_the_hedgehog> lol
<Spazzo> 404040
<Flame_the_hedgehog> i try to go to that link
<Flame_the_hedgehog> 404ed
<DarkWarrior> o.o
<DarkWarrior> Oops...
<Spazzo> ll
<Spazzo> ool
<Spazzo> &*88**lloooll
<Spazzo> it ggetin wrsrose
<DarkWarrior> XD
<07+Mikel93> lol Nega can be an Idiot.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Flame_the_hedgehog> hey spazz
<Spazzo> iiiidont gt iti
<Spazzo> HAH!
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o
<DarkWarrior> Didn't you just do that?
<Spazzo> *checks battery life with his battery life signal*
<Spazzo> that was from my case, extra
<Spazzo> ...
<Spazzo> 0.0()
<Flame_the_hedgehog> lol
<Spazzo> 5% battery life left
<Flame_the_hedgehog> spazz types correctly now
<Flame_the_hedgehog> :/
<DarkWarrior> XP
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<Spazzo> At least I have some time to tlk norm ly
<07+Mikel93> I made something for spazzo a while ago.
<Spazzo> shittt.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> ¬_¬¡ spazz, go to the store and get new batteries, if you can, get rechargables too
<Spazzo> well, they stlll hav some juce lef
<Spazzo> btw
<Spazzo> i won be here all next week
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o
<Flame_the_hedgehog> how come?
<07+Mikel93> :(
<Spazzo> gong to grndparnts without evvn 566k
<Spazzo> wah
<Flame_the_hedgehog> o.o
<Flame_the_hedgehog> that sucks
<DarkWarrior> Wireless-Access laptop?
<Spazzo> nop
<DarkWarrior> :(
<DarkWarrior> Ah well, gives me some time to load ammuniti-I mean, brush up on typos. :)
<Spazzo> orllly
<Spazzo> gus whattt
<Spazzo> i cna stop thhhe typsspos
* Quits: +Mikel93 ( (Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox])
<Spazzo> nd stoppp the lgogogging
<DarkWarrior> :(
<DarkWarrior> I was only kidding. :|
<Spazzo> noo
<Spazzo> this dnsnt offnd me
<Spazzo> its rther funnnnnny
<Spazzo> buut
<Spazzo> i gg2g2g2g. ^Y^^____`~
<DarkWarrior> 0This does go to IRC topic though, because it's hilarious.
<Spazzo> kk
<Spazzo> bbyeyeye
<Spazzo> /quti :DD
<Flame_the_hedgehog> lol
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> /qtuit :D
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> =)((
<Spazzo> /uit ;d
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> /quit ;d
<DarkWarrior> XD
<Spazzo> ....
<Flame_the_hedgehog> im putting this in the quotes topic, when spazzo leaves
* Quits: Spazzo ( (Quit: when nwlill ists sto?)
<Flame_the_hedgehog> "<KingofFlames> Reesis penut butter cups" this makes me want to make, Flamin penut butter cups...
<Flame_the_hedgehog> *shot*
<FoxBlitzz> Or Flaming Pancakes
<Flame_the_hedgehog> yay
<FoxBlitzz> Yay!
* Flame_the_hedgehog goes to make a pancake on fire so his house burns down
<FoxBlitzz> Now look what you did

#srb2fun said:
<Flame_the_hedgehog> crap, my internet is acting up
<Flame_the_hedgehog> brb
* Flame_the_hedgehog has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Flame_the_hedgehog has joined #srb2fun
<Flame_the_hedgehog> whee
<Flame_the_hedgehog> :/
<Flame_the_hedgehog> crap, my grampa is making me get off
* Flame_the_hedgehog has quit IRC (Quit: I must leave now see you all later)
<OmegaPSOGC> Mmmyep.
Guys, only post things that are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. Most of this stuff is just too long to read or really lame.
If you don't, I'll just lock this topic for being stupid. :/
Shuffle said:
Guys, only post things that are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. Most of this stuff is just too long to read or really lame.
If you don't, I'll just lock this topic for being stupid. :/

This is why I put my alam battle log in a text file :/
Me and the rest of the #srb2fun guys were splicing FF's name with everyone, and I came up with this.

<Prime_2> FuriousBlitzz
<Prime_2> or FoxFox?
<|ChibiFlames|> lol
<FoxBlitzz> FoxFox? D:
<|ChibiFlames|> FoxxyFox
<|ChibiFlames|> *shot*
<Prime_2> foxblitzz + FuriousFox = FoxFox!
<Ree-c> FOX ON FOX ACTION! :O!!!
<|ChibiFlames|> XD
<|ChibiFlames|> XD

Good thing he was AFFK at the time*shot*

The soviet union is back!(this had minor editing to make it more funny)
<ViralZero> Why? What happens if I say it?
<Prime_2> the it says you
<Prime_2> because guess what
* topic changes Prime_2 to ' Welcome to #Blaze, now a part of SOVIET RUSSIA! /CTCP BlazeServ HELP | #Blaze Site (+Rules): New MB: Hosting: | Theme vote o.o: %%%%%%%%%%'
<Hikari_WXP[BlazeServ]> :o

Damn that took a lot of work to color... and ruined thanks to some automatic link thing! bleh. Mystic, keep the link underlining to stuff put in a URL tag, please.
#Blaze said:
<Chibikari_WCE[BlazeMB]> "[06:30:49 PM] <Viral|dinner> Whatever happened to that one could who Zeshiro hacked into his computer and he knew everything about him?" <-- He ph33r'd IRC for the rest of his life. :|
#SonicVegemite said:
* Hikari is now known as Hikari[BlazeMB]
<WDot> Heck, people don't even need to go to the trouble of stalking Hikari.
<WDot> Everything she does is right there. =P
#SonicVegemite said:
<Firey_Pyrus> * okram is sad
<Firey_Pyrus> <Aslan> why are you sad, Okram?
<Firey_Pyrus> <okram> one of my fellow clan mates in tfc died in a car accident
<Firey_Pyrus> <Tomalak> Didn't he respawn?
#blaze said:
* You were kicked by BlazeServ (+ViralZero: Catch my heart, Very Melon!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Blaze
* Rejoined channel #blaze
* Topic is '4,1 Welcome to #Blaze, where we catch your heart with Very Melons! /CTCP BlazeServ HELP | 7#Blaze Site (+Rules): 8New MB: 7Hosting: 2| 11Theme vote o.o: 5%1,5%4,5%5,4%7,4%4,7%8,7%7,8%0,8%8,0%'
* Set by Hikari_WXP[BlazeServ] on Sat Aug 19 14:24:08
<Callum> Hey!
<ViralZero> Huh?
<Callum> BlazeServ is licking me
<Callum> kicking****
<ViralZero> No that's me.
<ViralZero> >XD
<Callum> XD
<ViralZero> Licking
#srb2fun said:
<Arrow> The fact that I'm a friend of Blaze rather cancels that out though.
<Arrow> And holy crap
<Arrow> Dude, my zit just exploded
<Arrow> There's blood everywhere
<Ree-c> XD
<Callum> Roflmao!
<DarkWarrior> o.O
<mario_master> eww
* Arrow grabs a towel
<Callum> XD
<SSNTails> get the vacuum attachment!
<DarkWarrior> Ouch.
<OmegaHedgehog> lmao
<Callum> Lol!
* SSNTails changes topic to 'Welcome to #srb2fun | Rules: [url][/url] | MS: [url][/url] | 1.09.4 is finally out! | Bug Tracker: [url][/url] | Chaotic Darkness D3: [url][/url] | MR4.4 Beta: [url][/url] | No Shuffle jokes.'
#srb2fun said:
<SSNTails> Mystic likes to omit the blockmap since it makes his WADs smaller
* |ChibiFlames| has joined #srb2fun
<Callum> What does BLOCKMAP do anyway?
<|ChibiFlames|> blocks the map
<|ChibiFlames|> *shot*
<Callum> XD
#Blaze said:
<Talia> dittozoo62: waz zup
<Talia> TaliatheMongoose: nm..
<Talia> dittozoo62: u need shwr?
<Talia> dittozoo62: wanna go shoppin?
<Talia> dittozoo62: come up/ k?
<Talia> TaliatheMongoose: ;_;
<Talia> TaliatheMongoose: Butbutbut
<Talia> My mom is using AIM for...EVIL...EVIL!!!
<Hikari_WXP> That's your mom?!
<Talia> Yesh -_-
<Hikari_WXP> Parents talk like that?!
<Zeshiro> You're mom's an AIM succubus. :3
<Hikari_WXP> God, she's almost as bad as, worse!
<Ree-c> NOOBY MOM!
<Callum> In TBE, I'm using RedXVI :P
<Tapika> For what?
<Callum> For a couple of secret zones
<Tapika> A sexmagnet?
<Tapika> LOL
<Callum> XD
<Tapika> Woops
<Callum> XD
<Tapika> Lets add to the IRC quotes topic
<Flame_the_hedgehog> where can i find a download manager or what Download manager do you recommend?
<Flame_the_hedgehog> ...
<DarkWarrior> Download Accelerator Plus.
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<|ChibiFlames|> XD
<|ChibiFlames|> ......
<Penopat> VisionalScape?
* yoshibot has quit IRC (Quit: internet failure)
<Flame_the_hedgehog> XD
<|ChibiFlames|> XD
<OmegaHedgehog> Every time you try and get out of that puzzle by jumping up and down, a kitten dies of AIDS.
<|ChibiFlames|> XD
<Kroze> XDD
<OmegaHedgehog> Please, think of the kittens. Use debug mode.
<|ChibiFlames|> XD

On the subject of the horror of the Barrel in Sonic 3's Carnival Night 2
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