• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

I'll crush you

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Abraham Valentin

Leader of The Domeplex
Sooooooooooo... am i the only one that thinked "it would be very cool to play as metallix on srb2" than it searched and found nothing and it was sad for 2 hours? Just to know (btw, having a metallix would be super cool because he would meele attack everything and perfect counter sms if someone still use it)
You probably were the only one, yeah.
Good thing the game has a neat modding framework so you can try your hand if you want to see it become reality!
Well, it would seem nice to have a SMBZ Mecha Sonic on the Message Board, but like Rapid said, if you want a mod on here so badly, give a try at this yourself!
As detailed in the rules, we don't allow "what if" topics like this one, because it just sounds like a request. I won't give an infraction, but do keep that in mind. If you truly want a character to exist, then you're going to have to try making it yourself.

...It also doesn't help that this topic title was incredibly misleading. I thought this was somebody making a topic to rage rant about something...
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