If you had to change your forum name...

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Either Zash (only for the lulz), or I'd really like to have my original account reactivated, and I'd rename THAT account to my current name, Ash, or Ash Forté; the reason being obvious.
Ash said:
Either Zash (only for the lulz), or I'd really like to have my original account reactivated, and I'd rename THAT account to my current name, Ash, or Ash Forté; the reason being obvious.

Too bad it got deleted by the purging MOD.
Honestly, all I really cared about was the date, Sonict. I don't give a damn about what I said long ago, because I just so freaking naive... It's hard to call myself an oldbie because of that whole 'incident', and those that actually do know make fun of the actions I did in the past (Spazzo), but that's far before me... that's the only thing I care about. Heh, you think post count raising is glorifying? Try the date. Man, if I could just restore the date.

Although, Sonict, I did hear from FF that he could (or could not, I'm not sure) restore a banned user's account from being a guest. The 100k post topic, remember? About Bigboi? If that's true, I'd like to see if I could do anything at all to persuade any Administrator to do that for myself... and Bigboi too. =|

But I'm sure as hell that that will never happen!... It's fun to think about it, though.
The only way would be a database merge with the account somehow. I bet it wouldn't go over too well.
Wanna me being original? Sik the hedgehog :P No kidding. Through I probably wouldn't just for the fact that typing just Sik is easier. The SonicRetro boards allow my screen name to be different from my real user name, and I made good use of that feature. That would be something cool to add, really (SonicRetro boards impose a time limitation to change screen names, to prevent people from changing it all the time, so if you do, make sure you add that limitation too).
I can already tell you that we won't be installing any more MODs. This is as good as you are going to get it.
Yes, I know, in fact you're starting to remove some. Well, remember anyways that absolutely any feature can be used to abuse. See, there are rules because people can do bad by just writing, without any special features, then imagine what can happen if you use them.

A better idea would be to make a screen name change request, so admins have to check them and accept explicity to allow it.

EDIT: oh, and SonicRetro doesn't use phpBB, so I don't think that feature would function here anyways.
Forendacil... I actually use it in places where my other nickname is already taken. For those that care, its Quenya for Victor of the North... (Lord of the Rings) Surprisingly that name is never taken.

Lots of people suggesting that if they needed to they'd change their name to their real name. Ironically, my current screen name is based off my initials with a number thrown in for good measure. (I picked 3 because its my favorite number, as stupid as it sounds... And I think that has something to do with Sonic 3 being my first game...)
Ghostzero or Ghost_Zero

Because I'm tired of people on IRC not knowing who I am on the MB and vice versa.

Edit: Why did Cue get his name changed? Change mine please. :3
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