I want the floor to shatter after a boss dies.

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Alright, but how would I set it up? I've been toying around with it for a while and can't tell where to put the tag or the linedef executor.
A different solution than the one Sapheros proposed to the same problem, but what I did for Egg Gauntlet and triggering linedefs after bosses were defeated. Was to use a No More Enemies - Once linedef executor to check for when the boss was dead, and as soon as the boss is dead trigger the effect. Which in your case would be a Shatter FOF linedef.
Well, see, I have enemies in the stage that aren't supposed to be killed. Pop-up turrets are stationed around, and I don't really want them to be killed because it'll kill off most of the difficulty of the stage...

Plus, where would be a good place to assign the linedef and tags? I don't know where exactly to place them on the map, or how to make it work at all.
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If the boss arena is just one sector, you can use the same tag as that sector to make it only work once the boss is dead and nothing else.

This is what the area looks like. The sector I have highlighted is what I want to shatter, allowing the player to drop down into the tunnel. I have FoFs over the tunnel to create the rest of the arena.
If that's the case, then it should work as long as the turrets are outside of that specific sector.
It would help to know where the enemies are stationed on that map.

Anyway, here's what you have to do:

1) Setup a control sector (just like you'd do when making an FOF), give one of its linedefs the "Intangible Invisible" FOF action. The tag of this FOF should be linked to a target sector/area where the boss is or roams about.
Note: The intangible FOF is used to scan for any enemies (including bosses) inside it.
Now on another linedef in this control sector, give it the "No More Enemies - Once" trigger action. A tag is not needed on this linedef.

2) Create another control sector, give one it the "Trigger Linedef Executor - Once" action. The tag number given to this linedef should be the length of the "No More Enemies - Once" trigger linedef.
E.g. If the no more enemies linedef is 5 fracunits long then the tag on the trigger linedef executor once should be 5.

On another linedef in this control sector, give it the "Shatter FOF" action. This linedef doesn't use tags the normal way.
In fact you have to use the texture offsets to tag the control sector and target sector of the FOF you want to shatter separately. The x-texture offset is used to determine the tag of the target sector and the y-texture offset is used to determine the control sector.

If you set this up correctly then when you defeat the boss the FOF that you want to shatter, should be seen crumbling apart like bustable/shatter block.

Here's an example wad that I quickly created:
When you defeat the enemies in the area you spawn in, the FOF should break apart.
You know, if you went back to the reserved tags method, all you need to do is do everything in TSDude's post except for step 1), and set the trigger linedef's tag to 65532 (to trigger it whenever a boss dies) or 65533 (to trigger it when all bosses have died) depending on what you want exactly. Though for one boss either of them will be just as good.

Using the reserved tags method means you don't have to worry about what sector the boss is in or whether there are enemies, only the boss will be able to trigger the floor shatter when it dies.
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