So! It's been a while! Just thought I'd pop in to let you guys know where I've been for the past <insert lengthy amount of time here>. Basically, I've been busy with life. I've been hanging with my girlfriend, working at school, hanging with friends, working at school, hating life, and working at school. So why do you care? YOU DON'T! Great! But I feel like showing off anyway, because I'm damn proud of my work.
Behold! Screenshots!
I'm in my senior project class in college right now, and this is what my group is working on.. a Sonic-inspired platformer. The best part? Despite the fact that I'm an avid Sonic fan, it WASN'T my idea! Go figure!
Anyway, expect a demo soon.
Expect a full game... a very long time from now. We want to release it on Xbox Indie Games, but that may be quite a ways off, because we're going to need some heavy rewrites to get the features in we want. Anyway, enjoy the teaser for now. Bai bai~
EDIT: Here's the downloads. Read a couple posts down for an explanation
Keyboard controls version:
360 controls version:
Behold! Screenshots!
I'm in my senior project class in college right now, and this is what my group is working on.. a Sonic-inspired platformer. The best part? Despite the fact that I'm an avid Sonic fan, it WASN'T my idea! Go figure!
Anyway, expect a demo soon.
Expect a full game... a very long time from now. We want to release it on Xbox Indie Games, but that may be quite a ways off, because we're going to need some heavy rewrites to get the features in we want. Anyway, enjoy the teaser for now. Bai bai~
EDIT: Here's the downloads. Read a couple posts down for an explanation
Keyboard controls version:
360 controls version:
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