I just gotta know..

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I just came across this site just a half hour ago, I played the demo, and I'm really loving it. One thing that really stands out to me, though, is how great the music is.. I seriously never expected the music for a fangame to be put together so well, and I'd like to know who composed it.
It's a conglomeration of different composers, David Bulmer, Jarel Jones, Stefan Rimalia, all glued together by either Cyan Helkaraxe or me.

Sometimes I do arranging and stuff, or form a 'base' song that the final was based off of (in the case of Dark City). Doomship Zone's music was all my doing, however.
FINALLY! I new (intelligent) member who uses proper gammer has joined!
yeah, unfortunatly, when i first get into something, i am the hugest n00b.
I don't use n00b. I use snert. That is to say, the condition of being a n00b is not time-based. You can be here for 3 years and still be a snert.
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