Now that 2.1 has been out for almost two weeks and we've all had time to collect our impressions, it's time for an old tradition: How would you rate the official levels? Single player, NIGHTS, Match, CTF, rate whatever you want and tell the devs what you think about these levels!
Obviously this thread is just a thinly veiled excuse for me to dump my own wall of text somewhere. :V To spare you the agony of scrolling down for ages (and because there are some actual spoilers in there), I put it in spoiler tags.
Obviously this thread is just a thinly veiled excuse for me to dump my own wall of text somewhere. :V To spare you the agony of scrolling down for ages (and because there are some actual spoilers in there), I put it in spoiler tags.
Greenflower Zone Act 1: 5/10
It is what it is. I'm glad some of the more obvious quirks were fixed (I'm looking at you, emerald token tunnel and formerly pointless side area of the lake!), and the two added shields give the level at least somewhat more replay value, but it's obviously never going to be a terribly interesting level. There are still a few oddities that bother me and betray the level's "made last century" origins: flat, enclosed corridors, strange sector layouts, wall heights that seem like they were carefully chosen to cut off the textures in the ugliest way possible, Crawlas still being an ugly and unfitting enemy, a grass texture that makes me want to kill, etc. But then again, maybe these things wouldn't even bother me if I were playing this level for the first time. I noticed this in particular in the corridor after the bridge, which still evokes the same negative reaction with me that it always did, even though a closer look reveals that you actually changed the layout of this area to make sure it's no longer confusing. It's hard to be objective about this level after six years, I guess.
A few complaints that I do feel could be addressed though: I'm glad that the weird underwater passage in the cave right at the beginning is gone, it was cramped, messed up the camera and felt shoddily designed in general. Still, I find it weird that this cave, the first instance of "exploration" that new players are likely to encounter in a very exploration-based game, no longer has anything in it unless you're Tails. Why not just put the Armageddon Shield right there on the floor of the cave? This is the first level in the game, you can get away with putting powerful items more or less out in the open. Also:
What's the point of this little elevation, exactly? I get that this area is empty and more or less pointless now, but if that's the case, put something real here and not this... thing.
Greenflower Zone Act 2: 6/10
Hey look, my riverbanks made it into 2.1! Why am I not in the credits for level design? :<
All joking aside, I'm glad that most of my proposed changes made it into the game, although I have to wonder what this is still doing in the level:
Obviously a very minor thing, but this little protrusion is kind of odd and pointless, not to mention trivial to remove.
Moving on to more important things, I'm happy about the graphical changes this level has received. The double-sized GFZROCK helps a ton, the water is finally translucent, and the additional details in the opening room help break up some of the visual oppressiveness of that part of the level. Still, many of the sections where there is no grass, especially the area around the Armageddon Shield cave and the former location of RedXVI's house, remain very disorienting because everything's the same texture and blends together horribly, and they kind of give the impression that I'm walking around parts of the level that aren't meant to be accessible. Many of these are the result of questionable layout choices, particularly regarding the holes in the ceiling of that one cave, and they're not really fixable. Again, these are the downsides of using a level that was first designed in 1999, when nobody had any clue what they were doing. It's nice that the level is so multi-layered and encourages exploration, but the execution remains flawed. On that note, the river, riverbanks or no, still remains as empty and boring as ever.
The new room at the end, simplistic as it is, was a really nice touch and a good way to get rid of the totally useless corridor that was formerly there, but it also serves to highlight even more how old the rest of the stage is. The very big room at the end in particular is kind of quirky layout-wise, with weird pillars in the water and a giant, mostly empty lake. Ideally, I'd like this level to get the THZ2 treatment at some point, because it strikes me as the only way to get rid of the numerous layout quirks while still retaining all the positive qualities of the level. I also still feel that the first zone of the game, which isn't going to include a lot of action for obvious reasons, should at least lead with its prettiest foot forward, so to speak. This is pretty much impossible to achieve with the current level layout, old and quirky as it is, so that would be another upside to redoing it. I know that this is unlikely to be of high priority, but oh well, one can dream...
Oh, and by the way, remodeling the formerly annoying alternate path at the beginning to serve as further introduction to the mechanics of the Whirlwind Shield was a cool idea, although I fear that the shield itself is a little TOO well-hidden on that tiny ridge behind all the bushes.
Greenflower Zone Act 3: 7/10
Nice to see that this boss at last got some more interesting behavior, but I'm not quite happy with how the pinch phase turned out. Giving the boss spikeballs is a good idea, and so is having him throw them at the player at some point, but there should at least be a small pause before he re-arms himself so that quick players have a chance to hit him without risking harm. This IS the first boss in the game, after all. Also, there's still a part of the boss AI that causes him to shoot into the stratosphere if he retreats while you're underneath him, so you should take a look at that.
Techno Hill Zone Act 1: 9/10
Wow, you CAN indeed polish a turd! I was afraid you would go the minimal-effort route with this, keeping all the quirks of the old layout while adding a few things here and there. And well, you did keep almost all of the old layout, but you managed to give all of it a clear purpose. This is especially noticeable in the bridge section near the beginning, which I formerly thought was one of the worst and most pointless parts of the level, but now all of the terrain has a purpose, and if it's only to give Sonic a legitimate way to get to that invincibility monitor. The only part that still irks me is the completely useless winding corridor in that section. You might have adjusted the layout so that it no longer causes players to get lost, but it's still an unnecessary detour. And I guess the very beginning of the level, right up to the first pool of goo, could use some "prettification".
As for the rest of the level, it's almost universally brilliant. It's interesting how little the level forces you to interact with it - if you run straight through it, it's just some rudimentary platforming and some gas jets - but I can't imagine any player NOT being curious and trying to get all those items hidden so cleverly in the slime. And thus, I had a lot of fun doing exactly that, spending about ten minutes in this level on my first playthrough even though it's barely a minute long if you speedrun it (damn you, deceptively hard to get emerald token!). That's exactly the kind of design that I feel is appropriate for a level at this point in the difficulty curve. I'm also especially pleased with how the "alternate" path that formerly had the moving platforms turned out. Riding the current of goo and being thrown into the lake is ridiculously fun (whee!).
The only real flaw I can find in the level is that Knuckles's path felt somewhat non-descript and unstructured, just a bunch of corridors with no real objective strung together. The usage of the goo in particular felt kind of pointless here. It wasn't bad or anything, just a bit undistinctive.
Techno Hill Zone Act 2: 10/10
I never imagined that anything would eclipse ERZ2 as my favorite level of the main campaign, but this does the trick. It ups the ante by actually forcing you to think about how to use the goo to your advantage, but there's just as much exploration here as in the first act. I don't feel it's too long either. I imagine that a new player will have spent quite a long time in act 1 entirely voluntarily, so I doubt this will come across as exhausting. I don't feel like talking a lot about this level because it stands for itself (I will say this though: the Spring Shell chain is one of the coolest things ever), so let me concentrate on the few complaints I do have:
First of all, conveyor belt textures should only be used for conveyor belts. Some of the pipes in the level aren't rounded off yet, and ideally the ones in THZ1 should be rounded off too. The entrance to the large building towards the end absolutely needs to be made more obvious. I actually got lost and backtracked here, the only time that this happened in any of the 2.1 levels. Also, the conveyor belt is this room is completely pointless:
This is one of the first conveyor belts the player encounters, so you might want to force him to use it, or at least give him some incentive to go there.
Techno Hill Zone Act 3: 7/10
This level needs a bit of a graphical overhaul, and the glass walls aren't really visible as such. Also, the pinch phase feels too trivial, the boss just hurls himself right at you and the only thing you have to do is jump. That said, it used to be the only good boss in SRB2 and it's still a good one.
Deep Sea Zone Act 1: 6/10
Ew! Coming off the heels of the gorgeous new THZ2, this level is just ridiculously ugly. Part of the problem is that the rooms in this level tend to be way too large for their own good, and of course that the texture set lacks a good large-scale texture. This and the second act are also levels that I feel would benefit from the THZ2 treatment. Even though they're not that old, they still showcase a lot of design flaws that were remedied in later levels. It doesn't help that a lot of the platforming, especially in the first half, is fairly standard and lacks a special "catch" that most of the other levels have. There are very few standout sections here, even though the level has a lot of stuff in it. It's really not a bad level, and the only real "flaws" I can identify is that many of the rooms are just uneconomically designed, but as a mostly non-gimmicky level that seems to try and draw most of its appeal from the imposing architecture, it really suffers from its dated level design.
Deep Sea Zone Act 2: 6/10
I understand that this level was too difficult for its placement in the game, but when fixing these problems results in trivializing one of the most consistent sections in a VERY inconsistent level, I have to object. I'm talking of course about the waterslide path, which is now completely devoid of anything to do and plays like a drawn-out cutscene. The ramp is still an impressive setpiece, but some of the physics changes in 2.1 cause the player to skip along it, which resulted in the occasional frustrating death for me.
On the other path, I still hate hate hate the block maze and how the debris sprites obscure your vision and cause you to stumble around blindly, hoping to eventually reach the other side by sheer luck. I understand the appeal of this section, but it's incredibly disruptive and annoying, and would be better served as an optional secret that hides some useful items. Also, I understand that the waterfall gimmick was awful and had to go, but its replacement is totally uninteresting and uncreative, and combined with the equally dull room right after it, serves to make this path kind of a bore. At least the underwater slide is fun now.
The second half of the level is clearly better than the first, with actually interesting gimmicks and some of game's more bizarre secrets, but it doesn't stop the level from being kind of disappointing as a whole. DSZ2 has always been a "piecemeal" level, but fixing its more obvious flaws only compounds that impression. Like DSZ1, it desperately needs some attention, and again I feel the best (although most expensive) course of action would be to redo it from scratch while incorporating the level's best parts, which would especially alleviate the piecemeal quality of the level.
Deep Sea Zone Act 3: 7/10
It no longer feels like "Eggmobile with pipes", if only because the Eggmobile itself no longer shoots simple missiles at you, but I can't help but find the attack pattern of this boss somewhat uninteresting. That said, the fight as a whole is a lot more enjoyable thanks to the adjustments to the arena, allowing you to actually see where the boss is going next, and the pinch phase had me laughing uncontrollably, so I guess that's something. Gorgeous arena, too.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 1: 5/10
Obviously the low point of the campaign, and everybody knows it. You're probably expecting me to advocate the THZ2 treatment yet again, but that wouldn't really help here because the general layout and level progression isn't sound to begin with. The retexturing at least makes the level feel somewhat appropriate now, and I quite like the atmosphere (though not the actual design) of the lake area, but the entire first half of the level is just woefully uninteresting and quite simply needs to be trashed entirely. The first interesting thing that happens in this level is the first spinning chain in the tree trunk (with an obvious, but nonetheless clever, hidden shield), and even after that we have to endure a lot of filler. I like the redesigned area with what was formerly the dam, but that, the chains and a few cleverly hidden secrets are pretty much the only things that left a positive impression. Keep that stuff and come up with something entirely new for the rest of the level.
Knuckles's path, by the way, is absolutely horrible, and I'm baffled that it apparently occurred to nobody that the last spikeball completely blindsides the player, and even after repeated tries it's still almost impossible to escape this section unscathed.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 2: 7/10
I think it has its flaws, and on my first playthrough it disappointed me immensely, but I absolutely don't get the hate for this. The more I play the second half of this level, the more I'm starting to consider it one of the strongest sections of the game overall. It's impressively non-linear, with absolutely insane amounts of stuff crammed into it, and I think it strikes a good balance between "gimmicky" ideas (chains, maces) and simpler platforming. The "secret" path with the maces could stand to be made a little more obvious though. Putting a ring in front of another picture gave me the wrong impression that the other pictures wouldn't contain anything, and while it's perfectly fine that this prevented me from finding the shield, I think it's a bit overkill to hide a whole path that way, especially since that path considerably raised my opinion of the level once I found it.
I still have my problems with the first half though. First of all, a lot of the texturing here needs work. This goes for the "secret" path in the second half too, which, aside from being ugly, uses a wall texture that is elsewhere used for breakable walls - inconsistent. Like DSZ1, some parts here suffer from the "large room with nothing in it" syndrome, and like DSZ2, there are some filler rooms that serve little purpose right now (especially the room with what was formerly the turret). I'm also not in love with some of the ideas on display here: The flamethrowers are thematically incongruous, and especially now that there are flamethrowers in RVZ1, I think they should go. The way they're used is kind of clever, but the level is already long and slow-placed enough, and it's certainly not hurting for gimmicks anymore. Just delete this part and maybe use the idea in RVZ1 instead.
The room with lots of square platforms is also somewhat lackluster. As Mystic rightfully observed, the gimmick isn't strong enough to carry the room by itself. I guess you could modify the room, but again, CEZ2 is already fairly long and slow-paced, and I guess that is mainly what's provoking the negative reactions. I don't think anybody would particularly miss this room if you cut it. I won't go into detail about the cannonball room, there's obviously a bug with the cannonballs, and I think the room will be fine once that is fixed. The rising water room, cool setpiece that it might be, still irks me though. More than any other part of the level, this room has a contrived obstacle-course feel to it, which is mostly due to its very bare-boned design. Clearly this room is way too large and empty, and I think it could play much better with a proper redesign. I'm also not particularly fond of the long corridor that precedes it, but I think that's more of a visual problem (I do love dodging the mace to get those speed shoes).
A few isolated observations: The following is irritating and unnecessary:
Just adjust the room so I can't land on those bookcases. The "lower" path in the library also irritated me a bit because of how maze-like parts of it were, with the exit placed strategically so you won't see it at first. I was also disappointed that apparently Sonic has no way of getting the 1-up in that room. It's visible through a fence from the other path, so it bugged me that I couldn't get to it. And of course, the Robo-Hood needs a real firing animation, not this half-hearted fix.
Edit: Forgot this in my original post, but the secret area for Knuckles at the beginning, even though it's much better than the random mess that was there in 2.0, is still kind of empty and pointless. If you just severed the connection to the opening room (which is pointless now anyway), you could cut out a lot of the padding.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 3: 8/10
Great, great concept. Two problems with it though: The spinning chain on the ranks blends in with the background. On my first playthrough, I tried to hit the boss from below because of this, which is impossible. Use the brown brick textures instead or something. The other problem is that Eggman's visual cues aren't visible through the cage, which leads to a few speed and direction changes that are quite blindsiding. Apart from that, however, great boss.
Arid Canyon Zone Act 1: 8/10
Not much has changed about this one, and not a lot needed to. It's still a great level overall, and if it has any overarching flaw, it's that some of the sections that try to do something out of the ordinary are also among the level's weakest sections. You removed one instance of the PolyObject lifts, which is good, but it should be obvious that the other one needs to go too. It's easy enough to fix: Just replace it with a rope pulley (or two, forcing you to make a jump over the death pit). The room with the rocks that suddenly crumble up from the floor and crush unobservant players is also totally cheap and needs to go (or be retooled to have obvious safe spots).
The ledge that leads back into the room where the paths split still needs a fence to give players a clue that they're not supposed to jump back down to the previous section. Also, please put something down here:
It's always disheartening to explore sections that are off the beaten track only to be rewarded with nothing at all.
Red Volcano Zone Act 1: 7/10
It's surprisingly good for its age, and now that THZ is free of damaging liquids, the lava finally feels fresh again. I also like the little gimmicks you added to this stage in 2.1 (the springs that push you into the lava are hilariously mean). The problem still remains though that the first half of the level is fairly rudimentary, too linear and devoid of secrets, and of course the level is too short (though you laid some groundwork for expanding it in the future). There's a great level in here somewhere, it just needs additional work to come out.
Egg Rock Zone Act 1: 7/10
Like ACZ1, this level hasn't changed too much, and for the most part it didn't need to. I'm not too pleased with the ultra-linear gauntlet-like design of some of the sections here, but if there's any zone that can get away with it, it's ERZ, and I don't feel it's enough of a problem to warrant tearing apart the whole stage. The path imbalance isn't quite as severe as it once was, although some additional effort is still required to fix it. One obvious solution is to remove the god-awful reverse-gravity staircase with the space countdown, although that by itself is probably not quite enough. I also still find the Tails and Knuckles paths fairly uninteresting in comparison to Sonic's path. Maybe this section would be a good spot to alter the level layout to make this path a little longer?
Not much to say apart from that. Some of the texturing, especially on the longer path, needs work (parts of ERZ's texture set are just amazingly bad, ERZGREY and its relatives in particular). I'm also a bit disappointed at the new outer space section on the longer path. I understand that it's necessary to introduce this concept on both paths, for the sake of ERZ2, and I also understand that you didn't want to make this section too long for the sake of path balance, but the way it is now the section definitely has a "let's get this over with" feel to it. And then there are some other parts of the level that I don't think are all that great, like the whole gravity-switching business at the beginning of the right path, but overall it's fine.
Egg Rock Zone Act 2: 10/10
As awesome as ever, in fact a little more so now that the fan section is gone. I'm glad that you added a few more secrets to this level to make it feel less linear overall. Some of the new enemy placements amused me in how brutal they were, but some are overkill. The one in the Megaman block section is obvious, but there are others that annoyed, such as the one after the room that sucks you into space (totally impossible to see before it hits you) and the one in the conveyor belt section before the teleporter on the right path.
Egg Rock Zone Act 3: 6/10
The race, though rudimentary, is basically awesome. The room with the upside-down platforming over square platforms could stand to be toned down, and the pillar with the Attraction Shield needs to be intangible to the camera, but aside from that I have no complaints. The boss though... whew! The energy balls (or whatever they are) are pretty much unavoidable unless you figure out that you have to run at full speed underneath him right as he fires them, which is the furthest thing from your mind when he's charging the attack. Likewise, the dash attack, cool as it is once you've figured it out, doesn't really appear as such to the uninformed player. Like many others, I thought Metal Sonic was just zipping around the arena randomly until Mystic explained it to me. The main problem is that it just isn't obvious that he's bouncing off the walls. He actually stops dead in his animation and turns around, so it looks like he's recharging and dashing at you again. I would propose two things to fix this: One, make his animation fluid so that he never actually stops moving when he hits a wall, and two, introduce a pinball sound effect for when he rebounds off the wall. I'm not sure if that's quite enough to make players figure out what's going on, but it would definitely help.
Egg Rock Core Zone: 8/10
Lots of fun, but Brak has the nasty habit of occasionally walking AROUND the lava fall you're trying to lure him into. The crates could also stand to be a bit wider (or higher) as sometimes you're pretty sure you're safe when in fact the line of sight is just barely connected.
Pipe Towers Zone: 7/10
Obviously an immense improvement over the previous MKB, but my complaints from the contest still stand, particularly regarding the oddly-shaped floating platforms in the second room. Random shapes do NOT count as sector detail! This isn't really a problem anywhere else, but over a death pit, visibility is an issue to consider. This room is such a mess visually that I don't have a clear view of where the pit is, which is immensely annoying. A bit of streamlining would be greatly appreciated. I'm not particularly fond of the rising water room, but that was already discussed in detail during the contest. I also still find many of the mini-path splits messy and pointless, particularly the three-way path split at the mushroom section, but not a big problem overall.
Aerial Garden Zone: 8/10
There's not really anything wrong with it (apart from the new spring platforms, goddamnit!), but it's a LOT of accurate platforming with very little respite, and for that reason alone it will never be my favorite. Still a great level though, and there's an amazing amount of stuff hidden there. You really need to put some reward where RedXVI's house is though, right now there's no point in going there.
Azure Temple Zone: 10/10
My favorite SRB2 level, and I don't see any problem with it, so I'm not going to bore you by gushing over its awesomeness.
SRB1 Remake: 1/10
I get why it's in the game, but that doesn't make me hate it any less. Maybe it will be slightly less monotonous with the bosses and with enemies that shoot bullets like in the original. Or maybe it will be even more annoying and overlong, I dunno.
Floral Field: 7/10
Good layout, some neat paraloop tricks, and there's something oddly satisfying about being able to loop a stage five times. It's obviously doesn't have the depth of some of the other special stages, but it's absolutely fine as an introductory level.
Toxic Plateau: 8/10
The best of the "non-gimmicky" special stages. I still really love the opening section and how the Super Paraloop is used there. The little path split is also neat, especially how if you go fast enough, you can just barely keep the Nightopian Helper long enough to easily collect the double rows of items in the capsule area. And of course, the gottagofast bumper corridor always fills me with glee.
Flooded Cove: 7/10
I like it, but it gets a bit dull towards the end. The room with the bustable blocks allows for a neat paraloop tricks if you got the Super Paraloop, but it's kind of pointless otherwise. The visual detail also kind of stops midway through, leaving a few overly sparse rooms. The token is hilarious though.
Cavern Fortress: 8/10
Excellent, especially the large caches of spheres that you have to paraloop and the moving bookcases. The little multi-tiered building thingy also fits in wonderfully. There are two problems though: One is that there's no real way to avoid the mace except by staying slightly above it. Surely there are more interesting ways of incorporating maces into a NiGHTS level. The other is the corridor with the moving pillars at the end, which is just infuriating in all the wrong ways.
Dusty Wasteland: 5/10
Ew! Ew ew ew! The visuals in this level are terrible, it looks NOTHING like a canyon (because it isn't), and the sector layout is just bizarre, which random unconnected structures plastered over an otherwise flat level. Gameplay-wise it's also pretty uninteresting. I like how the Nightopian Helper is used, and the horizontal paraloop in the cave is neat, but otherwise it's pretty standard. What kills it though is how it destroys the overall special stage progression. It tries to introduce time as a hazard, which is good, but it in no way prepares you for the onslaught of dangerous obstacles in the next two stages, which is especially weird since ACZ's theme gives you enough possible obstacles to work with. This level needs a redesign, and gladly it's already getting one.
Magma Caves: 9/10
My initial impression was somewhat harmed by the fact that the previous stage didn't prepare me for all those obstacles, but I eventually came to recognize this as a deliciously evil and, more importantly, fun stage. The lava waves and the flame jet room are obviously major winners, but I've also come to really enjoy the room after the capsule, which really gives a whole new dimension to A rank runs.
Egg Satellite: 10/10
This one never ceases to amaze me, and apart from the fact that the cross-shaped lasers more or less require luck to dodge, I would say it's pretty much perfect.
Spring Hill Zone: 6/10
The sector layout is still terrible and the track design is still average (see Dusty Wasteland), but the emblem force you to think outside the box, which is nice. Still, there's a problem when all of a map's advantages come from its context in the game, rather than the design itself. I'd love to see Botanic Serenity replace this, but I understand that it's too laggy.
Black Hole: 8/10
It's exhaustingly long, annoyingly slow-placed in parts, and my judgment is admittedly clouded by the fact that I suck at this stage, but I can't deny that the challenges are well-designed. The wave and the donut ring blocks still get me every time, but that may just be my own incompetence. At least I managed to beat it after a bazillion tries.
It is what it is. I'm glad some of the more obvious quirks were fixed (I'm looking at you, emerald token tunnel and formerly pointless side area of the lake!), and the two added shields give the level at least somewhat more replay value, but it's obviously never going to be a terribly interesting level. There are still a few oddities that bother me and betray the level's "made last century" origins: flat, enclosed corridors, strange sector layouts, wall heights that seem like they were carefully chosen to cut off the textures in the ugliest way possible, Crawlas still being an ugly and unfitting enemy, a grass texture that makes me want to kill, etc. But then again, maybe these things wouldn't even bother me if I were playing this level for the first time. I noticed this in particular in the corridor after the bridge, which still evokes the same negative reaction with me that it always did, even though a closer look reveals that you actually changed the layout of this area to make sure it's no longer confusing. It's hard to be objective about this level after six years, I guess.
A few complaints that I do feel could be addressed though: I'm glad that the weird underwater passage in the cave right at the beginning is gone, it was cramped, messed up the camera and felt shoddily designed in general. Still, I find it weird that this cave, the first instance of "exploration" that new players are likely to encounter in a very exploration-based game, no longer has anything in it unless you're Tails. Why not just put the Armageddon Shield right there on the floor of the cave? This is the first level in the game, you can get away with putting powerful items more or less out in the open. Also:
What's the point of this little elevation, exactly? I get that this area is empty and more or less pointless now, but if that's the case, put something real here and not this... thing.
Greenflower Zone Act 2: 6/10
Hey look, my riverbanks made it into 2.1! Why am I not in the credits for level design? :<
All joking aside, I'm glad that most of my proposed changes made it into the game, although I have to wonder what this is still doing in the level:
Obviously a very minor thing, but this little protrusion is kind of odd and pointless, not to mention trivial to remove.
Moving on to more important things, I'm happy about the graphical changes this level has received. The double-sized GFZROCK helps a ton, the water is finally translucent, and the additional details in the opening room help break up some of the visual oppressiveness of that part of the level. Still, many of the sections where there is no grass, especially the area around the Armageddon Shield cave and the former location of RedXVI's house, remain very disorienting because everything's the same texture and blends together horribly, and they kind of give the impression that I'm walking around parts of the level that aren't meant to be accessible. Many of these are the result of questionable layout choices, particularly regarding the holes in the ceiling of that one cave, and they're not really fixable. Again, these are the downsides of using a level that was first designed in 1999, when nobody had any clue what they were doing. It's nice that the level is so multi-layered and encourages exploration, but the execution remains flawed. On that note, the river, riverbanks or no, still remains as empty and boring as ever.
The new room at the end, simplistic as it is, was a really nice touch and a good way to get rid of the totally useless corridor that was formerly there, but it also serves to highlight even more how old the rest of the stage is. The very big room at the end in particular is kind of quirky layout-wise, with weird pillars in the water and a giant, mostly empty lake. Ideally, I'd like this level to get the THZ2 treatment at some point, because it strikes me as the only way to get rid of the numerous layout quirks while still retaining all the positive qualities of the level. I also still feel that the first zone of the game, which isn't going to include a lot of action for obvious reasons, should at least lead with its prettiest foot forward, so to speak. This is pretty much impossible to achieve with the current level layout, old and quirky as it is, so that would be another upside to redoing it. I know that this is unlikely to be of high priority, but oh well, one can dream...
Oh, and by the way, remodeling the formerly annoying alternate path at the beginning to serve as further introduction to the mechanics of the Whirlwind Shield was a cool idea, although I fear that the shield itself is a little TOO well-hidden on that tiny ridge behind all the bushes.
Greenflower Zone Act 3: 7/10
Nice to see that this boss at last got some more interesting behavior, but I'm not quite happy with how the pinch phase turned out. Giving the boss spikeballs is a good idea, and so is having him throw them at the player at some point, but there should at least be a small pause before he re-arms himself so that quick players have a chance to hit him without risking harm. This IS the first boss in the game, after all. Also, there's still a part of the boss AI that causes him to shoot into the stratosphere if he retreats while you're underneath him, so you should take a look at that.
Techno Hill Zone Act 1: 9/10
Wow, you CAN indeed polish a turd! I was afraid you would go the minimal-effort route with this, keeping all the quirks of the old layout while adding a few things here and there. And well, you did keep almost all of the old layout, but you managed to give all of it a clear purpose. This is especially noticeable in the bridge section near the beginning, which I formerly thought was one of the worst and most pointless parts of the level, but now all of the terrain has a purpose, and if it's only to give Sonic a legitimate way to get to that invincibility monitor. The only part that still irks me is the completely useless winding corridor in that section. You might have adjusted the layout so that it no longer causes players to get lost, but it's still an unnecessary detour. And I guess the very beginning of the level, right up to the first pool of goo, could use some "prettification".
As for the rest of the level, it's almost universally brilliant. It's interesting how little the level forces you to interact with it - if you run straight through it, it's just some rudimentary platforming and some gas jets - but I can't imagine any player NOT being curious and trying to get all those items hidden so cleverly in the slime. And thus, I had a lot of fun doing exactly that, spending about ten minutes in this level on my first playthrough even though it's barely a minute long if you speedrun it (damn you, deceptively hard to get emerald token!). That's exactly the kind of design that I feel is appropriate for a level at this point in the difficulty curve. I'm also especially pleased with how the "alternate" path that formerly had the moving platforms turned out. Riding the current of goo and being thrown into the lake is ridiculously fun (whee!).
The only real flaw I can find in the level is that Knuckles's path felt somewhat non-descript and unstructured, just a bunch of corridors with no real objective strung together. The usage of the goo in particular felt kind of pointless here. It wasn't bad or anything, just a bit undistinctive.
Techno Hill Zone Act 2: 10/10
I never imagined that anything would eclipse ERZ2 as my favorite level of the main campaign, but this does the trick. It ups the ante by actually forcing you to think about how to use the goo to your advantage, but there's just as much exploration here as in the first act. I don't feel it's too long either. I imagine that a new player will have spent quite a long time in act 1 entirely voluntarily, so I doubt this will come across as exhausting. I don't feel like talking a lot about this level because it stands for itself (I will say this though: the Spring Shell chain is one of the coolest things ever), so let me concentrate on the few complaints I do have:
First of all, conveyor belt textures should only be used for conveyor belts. Some of the pipes in the level aren't rounded off yet, and ideally the ones in THZ1 should be rounded off too. The entrance to the large building towards the end absolutely needs to be made more obvious. I actually got lost and backtracked here, the only time that this happened in any of the 2.1 levels. Also, the conveyor belt is this room is completely pointless:
This is one of the first conveyor belts the player encounters, so you might want to force him to use it, or at least give him some incentive to go there.
Techno Hill Zone Act 3: 7/10
This level needs a bit of a graphical overhaul, and the glass walls aren't really visible as such. Also, the pinch phase feels too trivial, the boss just hurls himself right at you and the only thing you have to do is jump. That said, it used to be the only good boss in SRB2 and it's still a good one.
Deep Sea Zone Act 1: 6/10
Ew! Coming off the heels of the gorgeous new THZ2, this level is just ridiculously ugly. Part of the problem is that the rooms in this level tend to be way too large for their own good, and of course that the texture set lacks a good large-scale texture. This and the second act are also levels that I feel would benefit from the THZ2 treatment. Even though they're not that old, they still showcase a lot of design flaws that were remedied in later levels. It doesn't help that a lot of the platforming, especially in the first half, is fairly standard and lacks a special "catch" that most of the other levels have. There are very few standout sections here, even though the level has a lot of stuff in it. It's really not a bad level, and the only real "flaws" I can identify is that many of the rooms are just uneconomically designed, but as a mostly non-gimmicky level that seems to try and draw most of its appeal from the imposing architecture, it really suffers from its dated level design.
Deep Sea Zone Act 2: 6/10
I understand that this level was too difficult for its placement in the game, but when fixing these problems results in trivializing one of the most consistent sections in a VERY inconsistent level, I have to object. I'm talking of course about the waterslide path, which is now completely devoid of anything to do and plays like a drawn-out cutscene. The ramp is still an impressive setpiece, but some of the physics changes in 2.1 cause the player to skip along it, which resulted in the occasional frustrating death for me.
On the other path, I still hate hate hate the block maze and how the debris sprites obscure your vision and cause you to stumble around blindly, hoping to eventually reach the other side by sheer luck. I understand the appeal of this section, but it's incredibly disruptive and annoying, and would be better served as an optional secret that hides some useful items. Also, I understand that the waterfall gimmick was awful and had to go, but its replacement is totally uninteresting and uncreative, and combined with the equally dull room right after it, serves to make this path kind of a bore. At least the underwater slide is fun now.
The second half of the level is clearly better than the first, with actually interesting gimmicks and some of game's more bizarre secrets, but it doesn't stop the level from being kind of disappointing as a whole. DSZ2 has always been a "piecemeal" level, but fixing its more obvious flaws only compounds that impression. Like DSZ1, it desperately needs some attention, and again I feel the best (although most expensive) course of action would be to redo it from scratch while incorporating the level's best parts, which would especially alleviate the piecemeal quality of the level.
Deep Sea Zone Act 3: 7/10
It no longer feels like "Eggmobile with pipes", if only because the Eggmobile itself no longer shoots simple missiles at you, but I can't help but find the attack pattern of this boss somewhat uninteresting. That said, the fight as a whole is a lot more enjoyable thanks to the adjustments to the arena, allowing you to actually see where the boss is going next, and the pinch phase had me laughing uncontrollably, so I guess that's something. Gorgeous arena, too.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 1: 5/10
Obviously the low point of the campaign, and everybody knows it. You're probably expecting me to advocate the THZ2 treatment yet again, but that wouldn't really help here because the general layout and level progression isn't sound to begin with. The retexturing at least makes the level feel somewhat appropriate now, and I quite like the atmosphere (though not the actual design) of the lake area, but the entire first half of the level is just woefully uninteresting and quite simply needs to be trashed entirely. The first interesting thing that happens in this level is the first spinning chain in the tree trunk (with an obvious, but nonetheless clever, hidden shield), and even after that we have to endure a lot of filler. I like the redesigned area with what was formerly the dam, but that, the chains and a few cleverly hidden secrets are pretty much the only things that left a positive impression. Keep that stuff and come up with something entirely new for the rest of the level.
Knuckles's path, by the way, is absolutely horrible, and I'm baffled that it apparently occurred to nobody that the last spikeball completely blindsides the player, and even after repeated tries it's still almost impossible to escape this section unscathed.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 2: 7/10
I think it has its flaws, and on my first playthrough it disappointed me immensely, but I absolutely don't get the hate for this. The more I play the second half of this level, the more I'm starting to consider it one of the strongest sections of the game overall. It's impressively non-linear, with absolutely insane amounts of stuff crammed into it, and I think it strikes a good balance between "gimmicky" ideas (chains, maces) and simpler platforming. The "secret" path with the maces could stand to be made a little more obvious though. Putting a ring in front of another picture gave me the wrong impression that the other pictures wouldn't contain anything, and while it's perfectly fine that this prevented me from finding the shield, I think it's a bit overkill to hide a whole path that way, especially since that path considerably raised my opinion of the level once I found it.
I still have my problems with the first half though. First of all, a lot of the texturing here needs work. This goes for the "secret" path in the second half too, which, aside from being ugly, uses a wall texture that is elsewhere used for breakable walls - inconsistent. Like DSZ1, some parts here suffer from the "large room with nothing in it" syndrome, and like DSZ2, there are some filler rooms that serve little purpose right now (especially the room with what was formerly the turret). I'm also not in love with some of the ideas on display here: The flamethrowers are thematically incongruous, and especially now that there are flamethrowers in RVZ1, I think they should go. The way they're used is kind of clever, but the level is already long and slow-placed enough, and it's certainly not hurting for gimmicks anymore. Just delete this part and maybe use the idea in RVZ1 instead.
The room with lots of square platforms is also somewhat lackluster. As Mystic rightfully observed, the gimmick isn't strong enough to carry the room by itself. I guess you could modify the room, but again, CEZ2 is already fairly long and slow-paced, and I guess that is mainly what's provoking the negative reactions. I don't think anybody would particularly miss this room if you cut it. I won't go into detail about the cannonball room, there's obviously a bug with the cannonballs, and I think the room will be fine once that is fixed. The rising water room, cool setpiece that it might be, still irks me though. More than any other part of the level, this room has a contrived obstacle-course feel to it, which is mostly due to its very bare-boned design. Clearly this room is way too large and empty, and I think it could play much better with a proper redesign. I'm also not particularly fond of the long corridor that precedes it, but I think that's more of a visual problem (I do love dodging the mace to get those speed shoes).
A few isolated observations: The following is irritating and unnecessary:
Just adjust the room so I can't land on those bookcases. The "lower" path in the library also irritated me a bit because of how maze-like parts of it were, with the exit placed strategically so you won't see it at first. I was also disappointed that apparently Sonic has no way of getting the 1-up in that room. It's visible through a fence from the other path, so it bugged me that I couldn't get to it. And of course, the Robo-Hood needs a real firing animation, not this half-hearted fix.
Edit: Forgot this in my original post, but the secret area for Knuckles at the beginning, even though it's much better than the random mess that was there in 2.0, is still kind of empty and pointless. If you just severed the connection to the opening room (which is pointless now anyway), you could cut out a lot of the padding.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 3: 8/10
Great, great concept. Two problems with it though: The spinning chain on the ranks blends in with the background. On my first playthrough, I tried to hit the boss from below because of this, which is impossible. Use the brown brick textures instead or something. The other problem is that Eggman's visual cues aren't visible through the cage, which leads to a few speed and direction changes that are quite blindsiding. Apart from that, however, great boss.
Arid Canyon Zone Act 1: 8/10
Not much has changed about this one, and not a lot needed to. It's still a great level overall, and if it has any overarching flaw, it's that some of the sections that try to do something out of the ordinary are also among the level's weakest sections. You removed one instance of the PolyObject lifts, which is good, but it should be obvious that the other one needs to go too. It's easy enough to fix: Just replace it with a rope pulley (or two, forcing you to make a jump over the death pit). The room with the rocks that suddenly crumble up from the floor and crush unobservant players is also totally cheap and needs to go (or be retooled to have obvious safe spots).
The ledge that leads back into the room where the paths split still needs a fence to give players a clue that they're not supposed to jump back down to the previous section. Also, please put something down here:
It's always disheartening to explore sections that are off the beaten track only to be rewarded with nothing at all.
Red Volcano Zone Act 1: 7/10
It's surprisingly good for its age, and now that THZ is free of damaging liquids, the lava finally feels fresh again. I also like the little gimmicks you added to this stage in 2.1 (the springs that push you into the lava are hilariously mean). The problem still remains though that the first half of the level is fairly rudimentary, too linear and devoid of secrets, and of course the level is too short (though you laid some groundwork for expanding it in the future). There's a great level in here somewhere, it just needs additional work to come out.
Egg Rock Zone Act 1: 7/10
Like ACZ1, this level hasn't changed too much, and for the most part it didn't need to. I'm not too pleased with the ultra-linear gauntlet-like design of some of the sections here, but if there's any zone that can get away with it, it's ERZ, and I don't feel it's enough of a problem to warrant tearing apart the whole stage. The path imbalance isn't quite as severe as it once was, although some additional effort is still required to fix it. One obvious solution is to remove the god-awful reverse-gravity staircase with the space countdown, although that by itself is probably not quite enough. I also still find the Tails and Knuckles paths fairly uninteresting in comparison to Sonic's path. Maybe this section would be a good spot to alter the level layout to make this path a little longer?
Not much to say apart from that. Some of the texturing, especially on the longer path, needs work (parts of ERZ's texture set are just amazingly bad, ERZGREY and its relatives in particular). I'm also a bit disappointed at the new outer space section on the longer path. I understand that it's necessary to introduce this concept on both paths, for the sake of ERZ2, and I also understand that you didn't want to make this section too long for the sake of path balance, but the way it is now the section definitely has a "let's get this over with" feel to it. And then there are some other parts of the level that I don't think are all that great, like the whole gravity-switching business at the beginning of the right path, but overall it's fine.
Egg Rock Zone Act 2: 10/10
As awesome as ever, in fact a little more so now that the fan section is gone. I'm glad that you added a few more secrets to this level to make it feel less linear overall. Some of the new enemy placements amused me in how brutal they were, but some are overkill. The one in the Megaman block section is obvious, but there are others that annoyed, such as the one after the room that sucks you into space (totally impossible to see before it hits you) and the one in the conveyor belt section before the teleporter on the right path.
Egg Rock Zone Act 3: 6/10
The race, though rudimentary, is basically awesome. The room with the upside-down platforming over square platforms could stand to be toned down, and the pillar with the Attraction Shield needs to be intangible to the camera, but aside from that I have no complaints. The boss though... whew! The energy balls (or whatever they are) are pretty much unavoidable unless you figure out that you have to run at full speed underneath him right as he fires them, which is the furthest thing from your mind when he's charging the attack. Likewise, the dash attack, cool as it is once you've figured it out, doesn't really appear as such to the uninformed player. Like many others, I thought Metal Sonic was just zipping around the arena randomly until Mystic explained it to me. The main problem is that it just isn't obvious that he's bouncing off the walls. He actually stops dead in his animation and turns around, so it looks like he's recharging and dashing at you again. I would propose two things to fix this: One, make his animation fluid so that he never actually stops moving when he hits a wall, and two, introduce a pinball sound effect for when he rebounds off the wall. I'm not sure if that's quite enough to make players figure out what's going on, but it would definitely help.
Egg Rock Core Zone: 8/10
Lots of fun, but Brak has the nasty habit of occasionally walking AROUND the lava fall you're trying to lure him into. The crates could also stand to be a bit wider (or higher) as sometimes you're pretty sure you're safe when in fact the line of sight is just barely connected.
Pipe Towers Zone: 7/10
Obviously an immense improvement over the previous MKB, but my complaints from the contest still stand, particularly regarding the oddly-shaped floating platforms in the second room. Random shapes do NOT count as sector detail! This isn't really a problem anywhere else, but over a death pit, visibility is an issue to consider. This room is such a mess visually that I don't have a clear view of where the pit is, which is immensely annoying. A bit of streamlining would be greatly appreciated. I'm not particularly fond of the rising water room, but that was already discussed in detail during the contest. I also still find many of the mini-path splits messy and pointless, particularly the three-way path split at the mushroom section, but not a big problem overall.
Aerial Garden Zone: 8/10
There's not really anything wrong with it (apart from the new spring platforms, goddamnit!), but it's a LOT of accurate platforming with very little respite, and for that reason alone it will never be my favorite. Still a great level though, and there's an amazing amount of stuff hidden there. You really need to put some reward where RedXVI's house is though, right now there's no point in going there.
Azure Temple Zone: 10/10
My favorite SRB2 level, and I don't see any problem with it, so I'm not going to bore you by gushing over its awesomeness.
SRB1 Remake: 1/10
I get why it's in the game, but that doesn't make me hate it any less. Maybe it will be slightly less monotonous with the bosses and with enemies that shoot bullets like in the original. Or maybe it will be even more annoying and overlong, I dunno.
Floral Field: 7/10
Good layout, some neat paraloop tricks, and there's something oddly satisfying about being able to loop a stage five times. It's obviously doesn't have the depth of some of the other special stages, but it's absolutely fine as an introductory level.
Toxic Plateau: 8/10
The best of the "non-gimmicky" special stages. I still really love the opening section and how the Super Paraloop is used there. The little path split is also neat, especially how if you go fast enough, you can just barely keep the Nightopian Helper long enough to easily collect the double rows of items in the capsule area. And of course, the gottagofast bumper corridor always fills me with glee.
Flooded Cove: 7/10
I like it, but it gets a bit dull towards the end. The room with the bustable blocks allows for a neat paraloop tricks if you got the Super Paraloop, but it's kind of pointless otherwise. The visual detail also kind of stops midway through, leaving a few overly sparse rooms. The token is hilarious though.
Cavern Fortress: 8/10
Excellent, especially the large caches of spheres that you have to paraloop and the moving bookcases. The little multi-tiered building thingy also fits in wonderfully. There are two problems though: One is that there's no real way to avoid the mace except by staying slightly above it. Surely there are more interesting ways of incorporating maces into a NiGHTS level. The other is the corridor with the moving pillars at the end, which is just infuriating in all the wrong ways.
Dusty Wasteland: 5/10
Ew! Ew ew ew! The visuals in this level are terrible, it looks NOTHING like a canyon (because it isn't), and the sector layout is just bizarre, which random unconnected structures plastered over an otherwise flat level. Gameplay-wise it's also pretty uninteresting. I like how the Nightopian Helper is used, and the horizontal paraloop in the cave is neat, but otherwise it's pretty standard. What kills it though is how it destroys the overall special stage progression. It tries to introduce time as a hazard, which is good, but it in no way prepares you for the onslaught of dangerous obstacles in the next two stages, which is especially weird since ACZ's theme gives you enough possible obstacles to work with. This level needs a redesign, and gladly it's already getting one.
Magma Caves: 9/10
My initial impression was somewhat harmed by the fact that the previous stage didn't prepare me for all those obstacles, but I eventually came to recognize this as a deliciously evil and, more importantly, fun stage. The lava waves and the flame jet room are obviously major winners, but I've also come to really enjoy the room after the capsule, which really gives a whole new dimension to A rank runs.
Egg Satellite: 10/10
This one never ceases to amaze me, and apart from the fact that the cross-shaped lasers more or less require luck to dodge, I would say it's pretty much perfect.
Spring Hill Zone: 6/10
The sector layout is still terrible and the track design is still average (see Dusty Wasteland), but the emblem force you to think outside the box, which is nice. Still, there's a problem when all of a map's advantages come from its context in the game, rather than the design itself. I'd love to see Botanic Serenity replace this, but I understand that it's too laggy.
Black Hole: 8/10
It's exhaustingly long, annoyingly slow-placed in parts, and my judgment is admittedly clouded by the fact that I suck at this stage, but I can't deny that the challenges are well-designed. The wave and the donut ring blocks still get me every time, but that may just be my own incompetence. At least I managed to beat it after a bazillion tries.
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