O_O New palette?! How am I supposed to do that?! (I use slumped as my wad editor.)Well for levels you got to use a program. (someone help with the name)
Then for characters you go into each sprite and convert to the new palette
It didn't work. :(Moved to editing help.
Here is the article that will help you. http://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Palette#Converting_Images_from_v1.09.4_to_v2.0.x
Oh yeah, I forgot about the variables and the difference in frames. Read http://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Character_WAD_Tutorial to see what things are different from 1.09.4 Character wads and 2.0.x Character wads. You may not be able to completely port the WAD 100% if the original wad had certain attributes (like lightdash and so on).
Im going to try to use XWE right now. (SlumpED tutorial didn't help. I really want to try and convert the Zim.DTA file.)Did you read http://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Palette#Saving_the_SRB2_palette_in_the_XWE_folder first?
What is the exact step you are having trouble with?