How i can change the Versions number of a own SRB2 Mod?

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I want to make a own MOD, called "SRB2 Emerald", because I add a new Gamemode called Master emerald Hunting! My question is, how I can change the Versions number from 2.00.4 to 2.02.4!
Can somebody help me pls?
You need to make it an EXE mod for that to work. Which requires learning C. A whole new language.
No, this is not my problem! I want only to change the Vesionsnumber! The text and other things i have allready changed or can change without problems. But I dont know, how i can change the Versionsnumber.
Search for VERSION in gamedef.h. You can see if this works correctly by using the version command in the compiled exe. This is how yours would look like.
#define VERSION 202 // Game version

Then change the VERSIONSTRING to
#define VERSIONSTRING " v2.02.0"
You should use 0 because it is the first minor revision of your modification.

Finally search for SUBVERSION in d_clisrv.h. Change that code to
#define SUBVERSION 000
I have a problem! I have not found the file gamedef.h, so that I think, that the file is not exists! I have already used the "SRB2Src.exe".
At first i use Notepad as a help! But at first I used the "srb2Src.exe" to extract the source code. But I didn't can find the file "gamedef.h" in the new folder src. Why?
It seems to me that you don't really understand how to code in C completely, otherwise you would know that you need something to actually compile the code you modify. I would suggest you take a programming course if your school offers it before trying to modify more of the code. Some people can learn programming from looking at other projects (in your case it may be SRB2), but they usually have some understanding on how programing logic works. A programming course will help you IMMENSELY in figuring out what is wrong with your code when you run into a problem.

When you do get to know how to code enough, I would suggest using wxDev-C++ ( or Microsoft Visual C++ if your school offers a student license for it. If you get wxDev-C++, then you will need devpacks for it to compile. has the devpacks you would need to download.

After you did all that, then you can open the project file for wxDev-C++ which will be somewhere like "C:\..\SRB2Source\src\win32". SRB2Source is the folder where you extracted SRB2Src.exe. You will then open a file called and it will open the srb2 source in wxDev-C++. From there you should be able to find the VERSION stuff that I told you before.
Search for VERSION in gamedef.h. You can see if this works correctly by using the version command in the compiled exe. This is how yours would look like.

doomdef.h not "gamedef.h"

If you are not finding it, that's your problem.
Jazz, I have read this page at the morning ( ) and have understand, what I have to do, but thx Jazz and torgo. I have understand this programm and the c++ language very fast, because I know similar commands of another languages. But when I want to compile the project, the program says, that the file "dx_error.c" have a lots of errors, for example "ddraw.h: No such file or directory."

Can somebody help me? The Version number I can change, but the compile is not working!

edit: Now it works without problems! Now i am making a new Exe Mod with the new "Master Emerald" mode and onther new things.
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