I don't think he needs permission to update a mod, the permission is needed to upload it in the forums but not for editing it for yourself; I think your question is not helping anyone and it's just way out of topic.
---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------
You'll need to know Lua scripting and also know the differences between wads from 2.1 and wads from 2.2; this is the only thing I could help you in and I guess you are asking because you are willing to learn, right? It also depends in what that mod is consisting in (which I think it's lua and some graphics which you'll have to know how to make them work in the latest version with the new LUA parameters) for the graphics though, you only need to extract them using the old 2.1 pallete and then add each in a new file so the pallete is changed for 2.2 (I can't think of a better way of doing this, that's how I would do it).
I hope this clarifies in regards of mod updating/editing.