How do you guys deal with idiots in real life?

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Ritz said:
I just ignore them. Granted, it won't stop them, but it'll make you significantly less amusing to them, which is bound to spare you some embarrassment in the long run.

Precisely. People don't naturally want to do that though...
Maou-Shin Daioka said:
I need some advice because these people just won't stop -_-...
How do you dispose of idiots in life?
i normaly tell them to leave or i'd say go away and mind so they can't or be mean back at them or just solve it the easy way,
tell your mother or father.

oops,seems like i brought te topic back to life,i probaly should have checked the date that last post was posted
How do you deal with idiots?

I beat them up after talking too mcuh crap and then the next day they are scared of me. ^_^
Idiot - <insert taunting here>

Me - <interrupts with SHUT UP FAGGOT>

Because faggot seems to solve everything in the South.
I snap fairly easily, so if they hurt me, or my friends in any way, I beat the living fuck out of them. No. Questions. Asked.
Ritz said:
I just ignore them. Granted, it won't stop them, but it'll make you significantly less amusing to them, which is bound to spare you some embarrassment in the long run.
I agree
Just tell them to fuck off and beat the shit out of them if they don't.

Oh, and chaos, good to see your not stealing avatars from invisionfree boards. [/offtopic]
luis90 said:
Just tell them to **** off and beat the **** out of them if they don't.

That doesn't always help all the time, it can make situations worse. Try to ignore it most of the time if you can, if not, seek some help and advice.
I have no learning disability as such, unless dyspraxia counts. Mild form. And the way I deal with idiots is I ask them, politely to stop. If they don't, I politely suggest they have a visage resembling a canine's anal passage. By the time the idiots figure out what I've said, I'm gone, dude.
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