How do I Use JRoses CE Cheats

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montobot / Armontina
k. i have the files i need now. How do i use the cheats do i freeze them and add a certain Value? can someone please help me.
Jroses cheats are unsupported and a lot of people discourage it's use. Plus, the dog picture was not needed. Not to mention it's cheating.
Cheats are only tolerable after you've beaten the game and unlocked everything without them..
nitro_the_hedghog said:
Cheats are only tolerable after you've beaten the game and unlocked everything without them..
Yes i have ive beaten ultimate and everything.
nitro_the_hedghog said:
Cheats are only tolerable after you've beaten the game and unlocked everything without them..
A lot of people consider cheating bad even if you've completed the game a lot of times and unlocked absolutely everything. So even in that case cheating is untolerable for a lot of people :/
The puppy image REALLY wasn't needed...

Anyway, Cheat Engine? Yeah, last I checked it had a tutorial on how to use it. So, uh, use it. Why ask us to help you when the program itself goes out of its way to?
I used to use it in SRB2 (Not on the MS >.>), it just stopped working though, so I only use Cheat Engine for SADX Level hacking.
Chao Freak 1 said:
armonte the hedgehog said:
Yes i have ive beaten ultimate and everything.

Then why do you need 'em?
...What the **** i asked how do you use them , not why i need them,or why i use them just how to use them, gawd.

Do not evade the curse filter.

To use Cheat Engines, you download and follow the instructions. Pretty easy to figure out.
You don't use them, we're not going to support you learning how to cheat, even if you have got ultimate. What Jrose did we all looked at in disgust, SSN even tried to hinder him doing so.
Sorry to say this to a friend like you Armonte but...

Q: How does Cheat Engine work?
A: Get caught in a jet engine.
Chaos Knux said:
Sorry to say this to a friend like you Armonte but...

Is this an insult, or a really bad joke? Honestly. It's like little kids are here when you and your friends start to "argue" with fake threats and cheap comebacks. "UR MOM" won't exactly make anyone want to go away and stop fighting. It makes them want to go even further.

and lol e-friends
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