Here is my autoexec.cfg file:
Everything works as desired except for the "color" directive. When I enter a netgame, Knuckles is red. Why isn't it working?
VID_SetMode (5)
scr_width "1440"
scr_height "900"
gr_fog 0
gr_md2 1
limitdraw 1
precipdist "5000"
stretch on
masterserver ""
name "Fawfulfan"
color "blue"
skin knuckles
crosshair 1
playersforexit all
inttime 5
say /me is here to unleash his chortles upon all of you!
motd "Welcome to the Official Tortured Planet Server!"
alias camoff "chasecam 0; crosshair 1; alwaysmlook 1;"
alias camon "chasecam 1; crosshair 0; alwaysmlook 1;"
alias togglegod "god; cechoflags 5505024; cecho "Sissy Mode Toggled";"
alias togglenoclip "noclip; cechoflags 138674176; cecho "No Clipping Toggled";"
bind x camoff
bind z camon
bind v togglegod
bind b togglenoclip
Everything works as desired except for the "color" directive. When I enter a netgame, Knuckles is red. Why isn't it working?