The animation sprites are merely still frame shots placed in a wad with names corresponding to actions. Creating the actual sprites can be done with any image editor- even Microsoft Paint. I WOULD NOT recommend that though... its a bomb-shell waiting to go off. I would recommend Graphics Gale- it gives you a grid (like graph paper) and you just fill them in with colors until it looks right (I use it for my Meta-Knight wad's sprites). A link for Graphics Gale can be found here:
Remember to always save the sprites as PNG files. They (in my opinion) work best in XWE (the wad editor).
You will need to make a LOOOO-O-O-O-OTTTTT of sprites- sorry, that's just the nature of the beast. Take your time on the sprites though- I can only hope I finish Meta-Knight by the end of summer break. Anyways, the actions necessary are:
A Standing
B Boredom frame 1
C Boredom frame 2
D Walking frame 1
E Walking frame 2
F Walking frame 3
G Walking frame 4
H Walking frame 5
I Walking frame 6
J Walking frame 7
K Walking frame 8
L Spinning frame 1
M Spinning frame 2
N Spinning frame 3
O Spinning frame 4
P Spring falling up
Q Running frame 1
R Running frame 2
S Running frame 3
T Running frame 4
U Spec. Ability 1
V Spec. Ability 2
W Spec. Ability 3
X Spec. Ability 4
Y Spec. Ability 5
Z Spec. Ability 6
[ Grab a bubble
\ Hurt
] Dead
^ On the edge 1
_ On the edge 2
` Falling 1
a Falling 2
b Tails Pickup
All of these correspond with the letter preceding them. These all require 8 rotations, which are denoted by a following number, 1-8 (there is a lovely picture under Naming System and Rotations here: . You can also cheat the system for things that would be mirrored (Ex. Sonics sideways sprites, NE, SE, NW, and SW sprites.) by adding the extra letter and #.
These letters and #s are preceeded by a four letter name chosen to represent your character. For sonic it is PLAY, for Knuckles, KNUX, for my Meta Knight, META, etc.
Here are a few examples:
Ex. 1
Knuckles' Standing from behind Sprite: KNUXA5
Ex. 2
Meta Knight's Standing from the front Sprite: METAA1
Ex. 3
Sonic's Standing from the NorthEast: PLAYA2A8
Ex. 4
Tail's Death Sprite: TAIL0
The Zero (0) is used to denote that the sprite is used from all angles, similar to conjoining multiple mirrored sprites in the A2A8, A3A7, and A4A6 manner.
For now, just work on the sprites. Show me a few of them by uploading them on tinypic or photobucket, etc. and then pasting the link given to you in the post.
After you get a good start on the sprites, PM me again and I'll help with the other stuff. If anything written above is just plain overwhelming, PM me with a few questions and I would be glad to help.
I hope this helped, and feel free to ask any question you ever have.
God Bless,
Also, If anyone notices a noobish mistake [i]I[/i] made, please correct [i]me[/i]