How do i make a aura

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light dasher

How do i make a aura or glow thingy when your super? cause i've seen videos and videos of super character's with aura's or whatever you call them,, and i'd like to know how to make a glow aura thing, please help
It's called a corona, it's an OpenGL mode only feature. Someone might be able to give you a link to lights.soc which makes coronas even cooler.
were do i get opengl?
can you explain it a bit more english cause i am only 13
Créez un raccourci à SRB2, et dans la pièce de cible d'elle, jet en l'air dans "- l'opengl" (aucunes citations) à l'extrémité.


Make a new file in notepad, type in it "SRB2win.exe -opengl" and save the file as "OGL.bat", double click. Boom.

Or just use the sb2 launcher, go to main options and select "OpenGL".
Explanation as to what it is. (Similar to SA-SRB2's...Just more detailed)
#Lighting changes.
#In OpenGL mode, you get special lights that can be assigned to
#things.  Some are there by default, others have to be specially
#assigned.  There are 32 blank OpenGL lights in the current SRB2,
#that weren't there for at least 1.08 (though, the original 1.09
#might have had them).  This is good news for certain things that 
#use a specially colored light that wouldn't look right with the 
#original thing it's attached to.  This is a great feature. =)
#OpenGL lights use hex values for the colors. (RRGGBB) But in SOCs,
#At least, I think it is, BBGGRR.  There is one difference.
#Hex uses letters (A-F) when it runs out of numbers.  This,
#however goes a bit further, and uses 10-16.  So, Lets just say you
#want a color with the value F63D7A, in SOCs, they would be:
#166314710.  It reads 10-16 as a whole value, not as individual
#digits.  You may want to note that if you use one of SRB2's
#Extra lights, you'll need to use an alpha value at the end of
#the light code.  I reccomend 0, but you can make it whatever.
#The higher the Alpha value, the brighter the light.

Example light change
#The Special Stage Token light
#Originally, it's blueish-white, and faded.  I made it golden, and
#a bit brighter.
Light 24
Type = 3
DynamicRadius = 64
DynamicColor = 16161616123
CoronaRadius = 0
CoronaColor = 16161616123
OffsetX = 0
OffsetY = 0

Sample of how to apply a whole new light
#It's high time the Emerald Shards had a glow to them.
#This is that glow.
Sprite 87
LightType = 29

Sprite 88
LightType = 29

Sprite 89
LightType = 29

Light 29
Type = 3
DynamicRadius = 150
DynamicColor = 4294967040
CoronaRadius = 0
CoronaColor = 4294967040
OffsetX = 0
OffsetY = 0
Yet another reason why anyone who uses software either needs to buy a new computer, learn how to use it, or die.
Lostgame said:
Yet another reason why anyone who uses software either needs to buy a new computer, learn how to use it, or die.

No, no and no. I get no reasonable proformance hike from OpenGL and Bilinear mode looks hiedous. Not to mention the fades aren't present.
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