How do i become an administrator?

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hotdog003 said:
And, no, I am not an admin, I just hold the reccord for highest post count. (a.k.a. I spam too much)
Though you COULD theoretically become admin, ban all the other admins and overthrow the board into a period of darkness and doom without four letter words and such what with your co-ownership of Sepwich, but let's all be glad that hasn't happened. Yet. =P
Neo Chaotikal said:
As I said, it's the follow up to the "How the heck do I" topic. It's kind of a, well, as Mystic once said, "necessary spam topic". Or not.

I'll just shut up and leave you guys with my avatar.


So avatar, how are you doing? *shot*
Try this one. I think I fixed it. Not sure it'll show up correctly everywhere, though.

Omega the Hedgehog said:
hotdog003 said:
And, no, I am not an admin, I just hold the reccord for highest post count. (a.k.a. I spam too much)
Though you COULD theoretically become admin, ban all the other admins and overthrow the board into a period of darkness and doom without four letter words and such what with your co-ownership of Sepwich, but let's all be glad that hasn't happened. Yet. =P
True, but despite what some of you might think, I'm not that evil. usually
Neo Chaotikal said:
Speaking of avatars, Bigboi, you should fix yours. Its transparency has gone muy loco.

Heh, yeah. My fault, actually. I already fixed it, but I forgot to re-upload it.
Neo Chaotikal said:
You see, people like this come from boards where every 100 posts or so you get an emerald, and if you get all emeralds you become an administator.
I have 14 emeralds. ^_^ 7 Chaos Emeralds, 7 Super Emeralds. I can be a Hyper Admin! Yay!

Actually, I really only care about these two red emeralds... Anyone want the rest?
Throw in the Master Emerald and I believe we have a deal.

Oh, and if acquiring seven emeralds makes you administrator, fourteen should make you Super Admin, no? It would take the Sol Emeralds to make you hyper, along with the Chaos Rings, and StF's 8th emerald to make you Master Admin. All that plus the 7 Dragon Balls and you'd be Omni Admin, with the power to delete all the Message Board information with the blink of an eye.

That guy must have cut off his eyelids in order to keep the forum alive.
And the dark dragonballs, plus SRB2's 8th emerald, and the power stars, and the shine sprites and the tri- *shot*
-force of Courage, Wisdom and Power, the Dark Rings from Chaotix and the Namek Dragon Balls from DBZ, the stupid Stars from Mario, the batteries from that kid's RC car, the fake emerald from Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes, the Super Emeralds and-- ...wait.



Um, lock?


OK, fine, don't lock. Be that way.
I'm not locking it until it ceases to be funny and just ends up as spam. This topic didn't start out with any content, so as long as it doesn't turn totally stupid, I don't see a reason to lock it yet.
And I couldn't be happier.

Omni Admin can turn into God Admin once he collects all of Sakura's Clow cards. It is said in the Big Book of Forum Thingies. A must read.

Of course then he'll turn gay too.
Neo Chaotikal said:
Omni Admin can turn into God Admin once he collects all of Sakura's Clow cards. It is said in the Big Book of Forum Thingies. A must read.

Oh dear god. Cardcaptors?
watta 'bout falling into all the Jusenkyo springs? :P (ranma 1/2 fan)
oh! and you also have to kidnap 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 animals and turn them all into robots :P
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