Hosting Problems

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Kart Krew™️
Ever since my computer was reformatted(It had a virus, had to take somewhere to get it fixed since I'm not that tech savvy) People have been unable to join my server. When I've checked the master server, my server shows up, but it's ping, player number and gametype can't be shown. I've tried shutting off AVG, but that didn't change anything, and I've had it unblocked from windows firewall. It's rather strange because about a week ago or so someone was able to join(although he was the only one) so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Yes, my ports are properly forwarded to 5029.
Ever since my computer was reformatted(It had a virus, had to take somewhere to get it fixed since I'm not that tech savvy) People have been unable to join my server. When I've checked the master server, my server shows up, but it's ping, player number and gametype can't be shown. I've tried shutting off AVG, but that didn't change anything, and I've had it unblocked from windows firewall. It's rather strange because about a week ago or so someone was able to join(although he was the only one) so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Yes, my ports are properly forwarded to 5029.

I think it a Master Server bug, You should report that. Have you check your Router's settings?
What would there be to report though, besides "I can't host no matter what I do"?

I guess you right. I Don't think making a report like this is vaild. So i guess it's his internet acting up. Have you try useing Havingamchi? My Friend Dage4 uses Hamchi and i can join. But who will join needs Hamchi.
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I have pretty high doubts that my router is the problem, seeing as someone was able to join my server once, and I haven't had any problems with it at all.
Alright, there's clearly something strange going on here.

GetArgcArgv() ...
lpCmdLine is 'srb2riders +skin SONIC +color 7 '
Myargc: 5
myargv[0] : 'srb2riders'
myargv[1] : '+skin'
myargv[2] : 'SONIC'
myargv[3] : '+color'
myargv[4] : '7'
I_StartupSystem() ...
D_SRB2Main() ...
SRB2 Riders v2.46.5
Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.
system memory 1021MB free 380MB
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\srb2.srb (5421 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\zones.dta (907 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\zones.dta
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\riders246.ridr (703 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\riderslevels.ridr (782 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\riderslevels.ridr
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\sonic.ridr (392 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\tails.ridr (423 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\knux.ridr (431 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\amy.ridr (407 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\cream.ridr (400 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\jet.ridr (399 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\wave.ridr (399 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\shadow.ridr (431 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\rouge.ridr (423 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\eggman.ridr (394 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\blaze.ridr (405 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\silver.ridr (407 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\rings.wpn (212 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\drill.dta (182 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\soar.dta (92 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\music.dta (166 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\music.ridr (40 lumps)
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
mode 640 x 480 x 8 bpp
mode 640 x 480 x 16 bpp
mode 640 x 480 x 32 bpp
mode 320 x 200 x 8 bpp
mode 320 x 240 x 8 bpp
mode 400 x 300 x 8 bpp
mode 480 x 360 x 8 bpp
mode 512 x 384 x 8 bpp
mode 640 x 350 x 8 bpp
mode 720 x 400 x 8 bpp
mode 720 x 480 x 8 bpp
mode 800 x 600 x 8 bpp
mode 1024 x 768 x 8 bpp
mode 1152 x 684 x 8 bpp
mode 1152 x 864 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 720 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 768 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 800 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 1024 x 8 bpp
mode 320 x 200 x 16 bpp
mode 320 x 240 x 16 bpp
mode 400 x 300 x 16 bpp
mode 480 x 360 x 16 bpp
mode 512 x 384 x 16 bpp
mode 640 x 350 x 16 bpp
mode 720 x 400 x 16 bpp
mode 720 x 480 x 16 bpp
mode 800 x 600 x 16 bpp
mode 1024 x 768 x 16 bpp
mode 1152 x 684 x 16 bpp
mode 1152 x 864 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 720 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 768 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 800 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 1024 x 16 bpp
mode 320 x 200 x 32 bpp
mode 320 x 240 x 32 bpp
mode 400 x 300 x 32 bpp
mode 480 x 360 x 32 bpp
mode 512 x 384 x 32 bpp
mode 640 x 350 x 32 bpp
mode 720 x 400 x 32 bpp
mode 720 x 480 x 32 bpp
mode 800 x 600 x 32 bpp
mode 1024 x 768 x 32 bpp
mode 1152 x 684 x 32 bpp
mode 1152 x 864 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 720 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 768 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 800 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 1024 x 32 bpp
Mode changed to 0 (320x200W)
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 0, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5

executing Riders.cfg
Player 1 renamed to Chrome
Default resolution: 1280 x 800 (8 bits)
M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init: Init SRB2 refresh daemon -
220 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\srb2.srb
259 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\riders246.ridr
260 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\sonic.ridr
266 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\rings.wpn
267 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\drill.dta
268 sprites added from file C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Desktop\SRB2ME\soar.dta
added skin 'tails'
added skin 'knuckles'
added skin 'amy'
added skin 'cream'
added skin 'jet'
added skin 'wave'
added skin 'shadow'
added skin 'rouge'
added skin 'eggman'
added skin 'blaze'
added skin 'silver'

Number of Extra Colormaps: 21
S_Init: Setting up sound.
I_StartupSound: Compacting onboard sound-memory... done
sound initialised.
MIDI product name: Microsoft MIDI Mapper
MIDI technology: Microsoft MIDI Mapper
MIDI caps:
-Separate left and right volume control
-Direct support for midiStreamOut()
-Volume control
ST_Init: Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.
WinSock description: WinSock 2.0
WinSock System Status: Running
Entering main app loop...
Mode changed to 16 (1280x800)
Starting Server....
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Registering this server to the master server...
Press ESC to abort
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for next level change...
Time limit disabled
Number of laps set to 3
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP01: METAL CITY"
Master Server Updated Successfully!
Player 1 renamed to Chrome
>skin blaze
Player 2 has joined the game (node 1)
Player Address is
Player 2 renamed to silvaseven
<silvaseven> hi chrome
>skin shadow
>colro black
Unknown command 'colro'
<~Chrome> How were you able to join so easily?
<~Chrome> Most people are unalbe to contact the server
<silvaseven> i was hostin
>color black
<silvaseven> then i did listserv
<silvaseven> and i saw your server
<silvaseven> so i jopined
<silvaseven> *joined
<~Chrome> I'm not sure others can join though
silvaseven started lap 2
<~Chrome> It's weird
<silvaseven> hmm
<silvaseven> i still havetn been able to make a mario kart level
silvaseven started the final lap
Chrome started lap 2
<silvaseven> and i have a nice idea
silvaseven has finished the race.
Chrome started the final lap
<silvaseven> im f12in you
<silvaseven> i see the sky
<silvaseven> only
<~Chrome> Odd
<silvaseven> why do i only see the sky
<silvaseven> hurry
Chrome has finished the race.
The round has ended.
<silvaseven> that was close
>skin knukcles
Skin knukcles not found
"color" is "Black" default is "Blue"
>skin knuckles
>color red
<~Chrome> Yeah
Speeding off to level...
R_GetFlatNumForName: Could not find flat FLOOR0_6
Map is now "MAP02: SPLASH CANYON"
Chrome started lap 2
silvaseven started lap 2
<silvaseven> i wanna make a mario kart level
<~Chrome> It's not that hard
<silvaseven> after seening alot of mario kart levels
<silvaseven> no like the config file
<~Chrome> Oh
<~Chrome> Did you download it?
<silvaseven> it wont let download or watever
Chrome started the final lap
<silvaseven> no
<silvaseven> i cant
<~Chrome> Post on the topic
<silvaseven> it wont le tme
<~Chrome> Ask for a mirror
<silvaseven> ok
<silvaseven> i will be right back
silvaseven left the game
<~Chrome> Alright
<~Chrome> Not sure if it will work
Chrome has finished the race.
The round has ended.
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP04: GREEN CAVE"
Chrome started lap 2
Chrome started the final lap
Chrome has finished the race.
The round has ended.
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP05: SAND RUINS"
Chrome started lap 2
Chrome started the final lap
Chrome has finished the race.
The round has ended.
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP06: BABYLON GARDEN"
Chrome started lap 2
Player 2 has joined the game (node 1)
Player Address is
Player 2 renamed to silvaseven
<~Chrome> Strang
Chrome started the final lap
<~Chrome> Your able to join
<silvaseven> what
<~Chrome> Twice
Game paused by Chrome
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP06: BABYLON GARDEN"
<silvaseven> thanks
<silvaseven> how could someone make a level into a level
<~Chrome> Hmm?
<silvaseven> like a huge place into two levels
<silvaseven> i couldnt do that
<~Chrome> Oh this level
Chrome started lap 2
<~Chrome> Yeah, this place is big
silvaseven started lap 2
Viewpoint: silvaseven
Viewpoint: Chrome
Chrome started the final lap
<silvaseven> someone could make a 2.0.6 level with thesse textures
<~Chrome> They could
<silvaseven> i i was lookin at metal city
silvaseven started the final lap
Chrome has finished the race.
Viewpoint: silvaseven
<silvaseven> it had no space
<~Chrome> No space?
silvaseven has finished the race.
The round has ended.
<silvaseven> like if u want to look at you only could see like circles
<silvaseven> instead of staright race
Speeding off to level...
<~Chrome> Oh
<silvaseven> it has alot of lindefs
<silvaseven> over 60 thousand i think
<~Chrome> I'm sure it does
<silvaseven> or 6 thousand
<~Chrome> wow
<~Chrome> 60k is a bit much I think
<silvaseven> ye
Viewpoint: silvaseven
Viewpoint: silvaseven
<silvaseven> maybe 6 thousand let me check
Chrome started lap 2
Chrome started the final lap
<silvaseven> 6 thousand 8 hundred 84 i think
<~Chrome> That sounds about right
Chrome has finished the race.
Tunes <slot#/default> <speed>: play a slot or the default stage tune at the specified speed(100%%)
The current tune is: 67
>tunes 67
Viewpoint: silvaseven
<silvaseven> he neeeds help with the bablyon rouges levels
silvaseven started lap 2
<~Chrome> They're pretty crappy
<silvaseven> i like sky baybalon/sky road and dark desert
<~Chrome> Those are the ones that are decent
silvaseven ran out of time.
<~Chrome> The rest I'm not so sure
<silvaseven> yea
The round has ended.
<silvaseven> the otheres are pretty bad
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP09: RED CANYON"
<silvaseven> its so small
<silvaseven> i thought in real riders
<silvaseven> this was bigger then splash canyon
<~Chrome> It was
<silvaseven> he needs to add storm in this
Chrome started lap 2
silvaseven started lap 2
<~Chrome> I don't think he's finished
silvaseven started the final lap
<silvaseven> i know
Chrome started the final lap
<silvaseven> shit
<silvaseven> glitch again
<~Chrome> Hold jump
<silvaseven> this is cool
Chrome has finished the race.
Viewpoint: silvaseven
silvaseven has finished the race.
The round has ended.
<silvaseven> when sonic says gotta try harder he sounds like knuckles
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP10: ICE FACTORY"
Unregistering this server to the master server...
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
signal_handler() error: segment violation

He was able to join with almost no trouble at all, and even rejoined after leaving. What's strange is that when I check the master server, I still get an unknown amount of players and unreachable ping and whatnot.

Can anyone help me out? =/
Originally Posted by E-dawg. that happens to me too. but my computer never recently was re-anythinged.
If it happened to you it's got nothing to do with your computer. Its either the master server has a bug or your server is glitched entirely. It happened to me as well. I fixed it by Reinstalling Sonic Robo Blast 2. Try reinstalling it.
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