A server option to replace the "hit while no rings" kill with "hit while already hit #-times." It makes it so that a player can only be hit so many times before dieing but you don't die if you have no rings and are hits.
So sv_hitlimit 3 would mean if you were hit 3 times you'd die. You'd still lose rings, but if you're hit without rings, you'd stay alive unless you were hit 2 times before. A value of 0 would turn this off.
So match and CTF mode can feel like a FPS every so often.
So sv_hitlimit 3 would mean if you were hit 3 times you'd die. You'd still lose rings, but if you're hit without rings, you'd stay alive unless you were hit 2 times before. A value of 0 would turn this off.
So match and CTF mode can feel like a FPS every so often.