Sorry if im rude,but i already explained it.As far as I know... you might just make this possible by Lua scripting
I couldn't find itWell,you would have to see the SRB2 Wiki.The answears can be there in the Editing section.But yea,its possible to make them spin.You just have to be a good modder.
Try later.I couldn't find it
addHook("SpinSpecial", do
for player in players.iterate
if == nil then continue end
if not (player.exiting) //Obvious... If you are about to quit a level due an exit to tally you must not be able to spin anymore
and P_IsObjectOnGround( //Must stay on the ground
and not (player.pflags & PF_STARTDASH) //Also don't activate spinning mode if the player is on spin dash mode...
and not (player.pflags & PF_SPINNING) //Will activate the lua script if he is not on spinning mode already
and (not player.powers[pw_nocontrol] or not (player.pflags & PF_FULLSTASIS)) //The conditions for spinning is whether if that player is not on nocontrol nor what disallows him to move or jump
and not player.powers[pw_carry] // Not being carried for an example: Minecraft
and not (player.pflags & PF_SLIDING) // Not being slided via waterslide or currents
//Try changing the hard speed to low... if you like early spinning mode. Behind the *FRACUNIT is the value you would be able to rechange the speed value
and player.speed >= 23*FRACUNIT
player.pflags = $1|PF_SPINNING //Gives the spinning flags, which makes the player actually on spinning
S_StartSound(, sfx_spin) //Starting a noise: Spinning = S_PLAY_ROLL //Makes the player on spinning animation. ROLL sprites must be existing on the skin's definition
For an example if I'm not being rude either... I specified for them a way to learn how to create a player spinable through Lua, as far as I know so...Sorry if im rude,but i already explained it.
Its ok,i think we were both rude to each other.For an example if I'm not being rude either... I specified for them a way to learn how to create a player spinable through Lua, as far as I know so...
and P_IsObjectOnGround( //Must stay on the ground
line to make it possibleability
and set it to zero so she can't perform any ability. As well as ability2
. But since you asked this character to be spinable then set ability2
to 1
Well since Im on Android, It didn't work for me, I opened the game and it didn't work, How could you make it work?Because you've asked to remove the abilties completely then, you will need to edit this character's wad/pk3 and find the S_SKIN file, which is the character's skin file inforomation definition.
Find the stringsability
and set it to zero so she can't perform any ability. As well asability2
. But since you asked this character to be spinable then setability2
Ok thanks, it was really hard doing thisLook... I'll just hand you this modified character directly to you aaa... Download it from my post attachments or just tap on the link:
Ok thanks, it was really hard doing this
--Simple character flag Lua edit. Everything behind a "--" is a comment that SRB2 will ignore.
addHook("PlayerThink", function(p) --I'll shorten "player" to just p for convenience.
if --Does our player mobj exist? (Not spectating or a dedicated server player who doesn't control a character)
local s = --Let's call the actual player object "s" for convenience. Saves me from having to type out all the time.
if ( == "honey" or == "amy" or == "whoeverelseyoulike") --Only apply our code to these characters
p.charflags = $ & ~SF_NOJUMPSPIN & ~SF_NOJUMPDAMAGE --Google for S_SKIN SRB2 and you'll find all the usable flags on the SRB2 wiki.
p.charability = CA_NONE --You can turn this into CA_DOUBLEJUMP if you want a double jump, for example.
p.charability2 = CA2_SPINDASH --Make this CA2_NONE if you want no secondary ability at all.
--If you want more values to play with, google SRB2 userdata and scroll down to the player_t section.
--You can add p.normalspeed = 50*FRACUNIT to make them faster, for example.