Help With creating custom audience members

Hey! I'm trying to create custom audience members, I've been struggling to find help in the server and the wiki is too overwhelming for me, anyone know any simple or step by step guides to make a 2 frame animation custom audience member?
There's probably a better way to do this, but you can define followers as audience members with "Followers = " in the map lump - any followers defined there will show up as audience members, as well as appear from broken prison eggs. They'll go through their defined animation as audience members. If you're just making a custom audience and not wanting to also make them a follower, this might not be ideal, but it is an option.

Basic example from a map I'm working on:
Level FRR_KarrakinCavalryCollege
LevelName = Karrakin
ZoneTitle = Cavalry College
TypeOfLevel = Race
NumLaps = 2
SkyTexture = ~150
Music = FMKCC
MobjScale = FRACUNIT/4
LightContrast = 64
LightAngle = 45
Followers = Final Duck,Manegg,Mono Beetle,Gold Beetle