Might be your computer, if it's an old model (which there is a SRB2 Launcher for, it has an option for old versions of Windows, all the way back to Windows 95. Then again, it MIGHT be your Ping (i get kicked out of Stick Arena almost every time for that) or it may also be your disk space (or memory [too many things running in one session], you never know). If you're low on space (which me and my mum knows all to well that it causes lag), try defragging or removing unnecesary items. But on the laptop i am on **WARNING BRAG INCOMING** over 80 GIGAbytes of space. Dunno how, but it's there, so i could post a screenie (and I rarely dl big things, which helps. i have 1 or 3 SRB2 wads that are over 1 meg. out of the 3 there is a 2 meg file too, but oh well, still have plenty leftover. **END BRAG**