GFZ 1 - VERY easy on ultimate, just thok thok thok!
GFZ 2 - Might be a little tricky, to skip the ground crawlas, use the spring to get to the Speed shoes and then use the springs to dodge the crawlas. Remembers to pick up invincible and shield upgrades!
GF3 - Really easy...Just thok thok thok!
THZ1- The difficulty gets a little higher, be patient, don't rush. (And don't take any risky shortcuts!)
THZ 2 - If your good at dodging lasers, take the left way. If not, take the right way. Which should be easy, when it stops shooting jump to the next area and get behind the box. It'll shoot but the box stops it from hitting you. When it stops run to the next platform and repeat. (Also, at the very beginning of the level, you can go through the "odd" texture for a spring. Pick up the water shield and if the token(If you havn't got it)Then everything else is easy.
THZ 3 - Be patient, or you may thok yourself out of the area and die. And make sure not to touch the toxic!
CEZ - Just thok again, its pretty easy. And to avoid dying, pick up the wind shield.
CEZ2 - Get the shield in the underwater area, now this level is tricky. Just get all switches as fast as you can, avoiding the monsters.
CEZ3 - You should rush at the start, due to the fact enemys can come and attack you. Be patient attacking Eggman, or else you'll die. When hes in the air you can jump and hit him, when hes on the ground - spin jump.
Hint/Trick - If you get the buzzers in the area, dodge all the attacks but go by eggman so the attacks hit him!
Congratulations - You unlocked the "secret" House.