OK, this is starting to bug me. If you can only join a game by Ip you are banned from the MS. If you don't know what a "MS" is, its a website. But not any website. it has the servers and there IP. I think its
DB and WA are only suggestions. Hrere a hint: There are more programs you can use than DB or WA!
If you don't know what RPG is it stands for role-playing game. Other its called Hangout. Just don't choose "avertise on Master Server" if you want to make a Hangout game or RPG server. Sure, No one can see it so they can't join, but its against the rules. Sorry if this may be still red.
AFK maean " away from keyboard". IDK stands for "I don;t know". BRB maeans "be right back". and my favorite, LOL , standing for Laugh out loud.
Don't just thok,thok,thok to the finsh. you can become banned or kicked by the host maybe if you do. If you get to the end before them, just wait unless you can't. Thokers : if you want to thok like crazy go to a race sever. Coop isn't made for thokking all the way to the finsh
Good day and, read my sig and find if you wanna talk without 99% chance of the admins looking at it.
DB and WA are only suggestions. Hrere a hint: There are more programs you can use than DB or WA!
If you don't know what RPG is it stands for role-playing game. Other its called Hangout. Just don't choose "avertise on Master Server" if you want to make a Hangout game or RPG server. Sure, No one can see it so they can't join, but its against the rules. Sorry if this may be still red.
AFK maean " away from keyboard". IDK stands for "I don;t know". BRB maeans "be right back". and my favorite, LOL , standing for Laugh out loud.
Don't just thok,thok,thok to the finsh. you can become banned or kicked by the host maybe if you do. If you get to the end before them, just wait unless you can't. Thokers : if you want to thok like crazy go to a race sever. Coop isn't made for thokking all the way to the finsh
Good day and, read my sig and find if you wanna talk without 99% chance of the admins looking at it.