when i first saw this in the direct i didnt think it was real, i thought i was actually dreaming or hallucinating cause like why would deltarune characters be in srb2 thats silly! but im so glad its silly enough to work ive had this idea for awhile i did try to start my own deltachars like i had ideas on how they would work and there was gonna be a new single player for them with a new final level and stuff but i gave up half way through cause idk how to code, idk what im doing, my idea was way too ambitious and yeah. there was gonna be a secret fight like in deltarune but with a weird looking metal sonic who wants Kris's soul (cause what secret boss in deltarune DOESNT want Kris's soul... ok maybe just Jevil) i had a reason why he wanted it but i dont wanna explain it since this reply is already longer than it needed to be, the curse of being adhd so ye im excited for Deltachars they look awesome.