Meadow Match-A level that plays all right, but is cursed with being extremely simple, IMHO.
You tried to emulate it, but it didn't make it AT ALL. This level is boring and flat, if not more so, than Meadow Match was. Which is saying something, because MM wasn't that terribly complex to begin with. There's a few problems with this map that make it just plain unplayable:
*Item boxes in only 3 parts of the level, 1 of which wouldn't be gathered at all in a normal game. Try to be more practical in where you place them.
*All the rings are on the raised platforms, and nearly none on the ground floor and in the water. How do you expect to fight others in this map when you have no rings to fight with?
*I don't know if others will agree with me on this, but the platforms are a bit...pointless. They are all kind of just...there. :/
These are just the things I noticed right off the bat. You might want to do something about these issues if you want to make this map even semi-playable.