What I have here is 30 rules to help you make good topics and replys!
I didn't mean to insult nobody on the making of this topic, specialy on 19), 26) and 29). Give me opinions to make this better! These "rules" were translated of a Portuguese site.1) Avoid at max. using abrv., small words, etc.
2) You have no need to use a fabulous English to suceed in a fine forum recognition, and respect.
3) don't forget to start with a big letter.
4) Using parentheses (even when you should) is useless.
5) Using the phrases from other countries has that je ne sais pa, that we don't like, so who ever uses them, can say hasta la vista!
6) Don't use slang, s'that cool with yas?
7) Using unapropriate words is b****** and turn your post into s***.
8 ) Never generalize: generalizing is one bad mistake.
9) Don't repeate the same word over and over and over again, even if that word is to be more important than other words, it's still a word, just like the oter words. All words should be important to a word text.
10) Don't abuse the quotes; as a friend of mine says: "Who quotes others as no ideas of is own".
11) Incomplete phrases can
12) Don't say better stuf, wich is to say, don't repeate meanings, or in other words, don't find other ways to say the same thing.
13) Be more or less specific.
14) Phrases with one word? Never!
15) Passive voice must be avoid.
16) Use the correct ponctuation the period ends a phrase or starts a new paragraph the comma separates stuff etc
17) Who needs retorical questions?
18 ) As the W.W.A.S says, don't use unknown acronyms.
19) Exaggerating is a bilion times worse then moderation.
20) Avoid kindergarden stuff. Repeate after me: "I will avoid kindergarden stuff".
21) Anologies on a phrase are as useful as a chicken with horns.
22) Never abuse exclamations!! Never!!!! Your text will look awful!!!!
23) Avoid long phrases, because a long phrase can, and will delete some of the "in-brain" information one as read before, specially if there is no periods, as that separates phrases and makes a quick pause, so that the information is well absorved, and not "deleted" because, while you are reading this bit, you already forgot what's in the beggining!
24) Be carefull with hortorgrofie, as ruining the Inglich languaje can be awfull.
25) Be incisor and coherent, or maybe not.
26) Respect the administrators. Did you hear this, you lousy SSNTails? People will repect the crud that is you, now!
27) Remember that small children also see this forum, so don't put stuff in here that might make them ask their mommies what it is, such as: penis, vagina, sexual relations, etc.
28 )Don't correct nobody.Chris said:Do'nt correct nobody
29) Don't give orders to the other members. Did you hear that, Flame? So cut that out!
30) Don't use lot's of smilies, ok? :D :) :) :D :)