Golden ruins mod

Should this be finished?

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Sorry for nearly never posting here... I can't give a new beta now, i'm still working on some new levels, wich are incomplete.
Stop asking for the "drink" game! I mean what the "hemisphere" is "fireplace"ing wrong with you people? Didn't any of you "bananas" read my post about reading signatures? And you don't have to 2x post to ask for the wad. just "firetrucking" PM him. (sorry couldn't resist. Well I could but I have enough people telling me rules rules rules! Not that i'm naughty, But lots of people act like I'm evil when the mock me.)
Crüsäder said:
Since when is "time" plural?!
The Yellow Blue Dude said:
Since SMS said it I think.

Duh. god. When I say "earth" there is a earth. When I say "life", there is life. When I say Bigboi's frikkin' acount must be terminated, it happens. When I want a Machine rifle, I have one.

And you know why? Because god.
Super Mystic Sonic, I'm ashamed of you! You disgust me so much right now.Saying you're god. I think SMS is the guy who was that dilusional guy who thought he was Jesus and took his baby into the water naked saying it wouldn't drown.Why would you disgrace god like that? God would never make a machine rifal.It causes pain or death which I'm sure God hates.You're saying god would do all that dum stuff(besides the earth and the other natural things)?
sasuketo uzuchihamaki said:
Super Mystic Sonic, I'm ashamed of you! You disgust me so much right now.Saying you're god. I think SMS is the guy who was that dilusional guy who thought he was Jesus and took his baby into the water naked saying it wouldn't drown.Why would you disgrace god like that? God would never make a machine rifal.It causes pain or death which I'm sure God hates.You're saying god would do all that dum stuff(besides the earth and the other natural things)?


sonicfreak94 said:
How would you know if it was a joke or not :roll: ...
"LOOK AT ME!! IM COOL BECAUSE I HATE SMS FOR HATING GOD!!!" Seriously, get over it, it's the internet. Who cares if he hates god or not? Also, from the looks of that post, your sarcasm detector is utterly broken, SMS' post was a joke.
Well, well, seems everbody took it serious. If I was god, you would bow before me. Problem is, I'm not. Get used to it. Just alot use of sarcasm to make a joke, so calm down. As for god, I won't say he exists, neither will I say he doesn't. You'll find out when you die and have been a good boy when you were alive.
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