So, yeah. This is happening now. It happens with both srb2win and srb2dd. GIF Movie Mode is automatically turning itself on and off every single frame the moment I start srb2 up. The game is literally unplayable unless I want to kill my computer.
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2810MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1280 x 800 (16 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Starting Server....
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP01: GREENFLOWER ZONE 1"
Player 1 renamed to Luke
>name Puppyfaic
Luke renamed to Puppyfaic
>color pink
"con_height" is "50" default is "50"
>con_height 80
"con_speed" is "8" default is "8"
>con_speed 40
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP13: ARID CANYON ZONE 1"
Game paused by Puppyfaic
Game unpaused by Puppyfaic
I_Joystick: SDL's Joystick system has been shutdown
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2794MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Starting Server....
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP13: ARID CANYON ZONE 1"
Player 1 renamed to Puppyfaic
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2783MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Starting Server....
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP13: ARID CANYON ZONE 1"
Player 1 renamed to Puppyfaic
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2748MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
>addfile lepori.wad
NOTICE: Game must be restarted to record statistics.
Added file lepori.wad (177 lumps)
Loading Lua script from lepori.wad|LUA_RECO
Pardon me while I initialize the Lua scripting interface...
Loading Lua script from lepori.wad|LUA_UNCU
Loading object config from lepori.wad
Added skin 'lepori'
No maps added
Starting Server....
Speeding off to level...
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2733MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Starting Server....
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Registering this server on the Master Server...
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Master Server update successful.
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP01: GREENFLOWER ZONE 1"
Player 1 renamed to Puppyfaic
>color pink
Removing this server from the Master Server...
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2729MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
>addfile metalsonic.wad
NOTICE: Game must be restarted to record statistics.
Added file metalsonic.wad (210 lumps)
Loading Lua script from metalsonic.wad|LUA_GAME
Pardon me while I initialize the Lua scripting interface...
Sound sfx_msjet1 allocated.
Sound sfx_msjet2 allocated.
Sound sfx_msjet3 allocated.
Sound sfx_msjet4 allocated.
Sound sfx_mschrg allocated.
Sound sfx_msovdr allocated.
Sound sfx_msovd1 allocated.
Sound sfx_msovd2 allocated.
Sound sfx_msovd3 allocated.
MobjType MT_MSJETFLUME allocated.
MobjType MT_MSOVERDRIVE allocated.
Loading object config from metalsonic.wad
9 sounds replaced
metalsonic.wad added 12 frames in 3 sprites
Added skin 'metal_sonic'
No maps added
Starting Server....
Speeding off to level...
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2143MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Starting Server....
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Registering this server on the Master Server...
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Master Server update successful.
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP01: GREENFLOWER ZONE 1"
Player 1 renamed to Puppyfaic
Removing this server from the Master Server...
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2101MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2097MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 1727MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.3
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3838MB - Free: 2654MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta (80 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\patch.dta
Added file C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\My Stuff\Games\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1584
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:521
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Joystick: 4 axis 16 button joystick
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
executing .\autoexec.cfg
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.12 (Nov 11 2014 21:45:14 r8919)
Added file music_remade.wad (23 lumps)
23 digital musics replaced
No maps added
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 2 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 22 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 22 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 2 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 2 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 2 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 2 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 2 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 0 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
Movie mode enabled (GIF).
Animated gif closed; wrote 1 frames
Movie mode disabled.
I_ShutdownGraphics: shut down
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
Last edited: