"The base engine, is a custom engine made by Damizean/The Blitzsonic Team. The Genesis Redux project is an adaptation of this project. Sonickidnextgen/Sonickidnextgenesis has been "casually" working on this project since February of 2011. The Next Genesis Engine was another adaptation by Sonickidnextgenesis, but it was canceled in October of 2010. The Next Genesis Engine, and the Genesis Redux project are both non-profit projects. Sonic the Hedgehog is owned by SEGA, and Sonic Team. If you'd like to contact the creator(s) of the Next Genesis engine, or the Genesis Redux engine, please email: or Please note that this is currently a one man job, so if you'd like to help in any way possible, please contact the creator."
By the way he did say " if you'd like to help in any way possible, please contact the creator." I really hope that some one who can really help, actually helps him with this project.
Just pulled that from the site which you can find more info about if you go over go here
If you ever played and like Blitz Sonic 3D, Sonic Dimensions, or even Blitz Sonic Ultra, and have been hoping for an online play then this game could be the one for you.
Screen shots