Funny video

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I admit, that vid's pretty funny, but I don't think you need to make a whole topic just to show a vid that'll probably be talked about for maybe 2 minutes.
YESH! Thanks Zeldagamer! :D

EDIT: it's a lot funnier now that I understand it XD Through what does the Japanese text at the end say? :/
I dunno, I think that it was funnier when it was illegible. Maybe it's just watching it twice in a row... still awesome, though. *Applauds zeldagamer00*
zeldagamer00 said:
Warpshade said:
I dunno, I think that it was funnier when it was illegible. Maybe it's just watching it twice in a row... still awesome, though. *Applauds zeldagamer00*
*takes a bow* but wait folks theres more!
Its the same guy from that tetris vid, but this time its a crane game.
*Warning contains some swearing*
Hey that BGM is from fantasy Zone level 1, Well These are funny videos, except the first post.
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