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I have been creating a program in MMF called FTP Chat. It allows you to talk to anyone else connected to the internet who knows your servername, username and password.

The program works fine, all except for the fact it's still a .cca file.

I have the trial version of MMF.

Would anyone with MMF be willing to compile it into a .exe file for me?

I'll email the file to you, should you accept.

I'll build it, if you like. I've got MMF 1.5 Standard, so I won't be able to build it if it uses Pro controls. Otherwise, no problem.
I always wanted to create a program like that.
l'll be willing to compile it
Using the username and password are just for the FTP hosting site you set up.
Otherwise, files can't be sent or recieved.

I would send it to you Arf, but I don't know your email address.

I've built it and sent it to you, Shadowstar. If it didn't come through correctly (I don't trust Hotmail as far as I can throw it), please tell me, and I'll try to send it from another address.
You probably wouldn't want to try it, it doesn't have many features.
In fact, you don't even get a list of who's logged on currently. (who's in the room)

It's basicly designed for my use only so...

If you have MMF, Shuffle, I can make you a guide on how to make a program like that so you can add what you want.

..looks like I need to bug-test my applications more thoroughly before asking someone to compile them..

I found some bugs in my program and I fixed most of them, but I am still trying to fix some.

I'll resend the program when I'm finished, if it's ok with you, Oogaland.

If you really want the program, Arf/Shuffle, you can have it, just tell me and I'll email it to you.
Thanks for the double post *shot*

EDIT: I changed the colour for show you how to edit a post
JetKrazy said:
He's right.

Use the edit button to your advantage

and since it's too late, there is also a delete post button

I really wish everyone knew that. If I had a dollar for everytime I see that happen, I'd be in Malibu. :roll:

EDIT : Like this, shadowstar. ;P
Not really proving anything, since you could of written EDIT at the beggining. Do it again now, so it says that you actually edited.
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