Yeah, I play Flyff, I used to play it constantly, but since all my freinds stopped playing I haven't had a reason to log on. But if you are willing to Pm me and tell me what server your on, and what your character name is, I'll be more than happy to party with you and get a character to level 15 to be an assist.
ok by the videos i have watched it looks quite promising, the combat system looks good and the graphics are ok as well... it looks better than Runescape because the Runescape world is quite small but the flyff world looks gigantic
and also... flying! i would love to wake up to see myself flying. I may think of downloading this.
Well, I tried to register but I kept getting errors. It aggravated me so I just decided not to play it. I have to many MMORPG's playing at the moment anyways. I don't want to start any others unless it's an outstanding one that everyone plays. Other than that, I'm good not to start any others. But from what I've heard it's pretty good. I may try again sometime but not at the moment.
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