This is where people who have created a fan charscter can post pictures of them. Any is exceptable but the obvious things you can't post. So if you think you got a good character post it and see what people say about it! I really want to so what other people come up with and what they think of what I came up with.
MY fan characters are: Flare The hedgehog, Crash The Enchinda, and Fourest. Flare is 15, Crash is Also 16 and fourest is only 7. Yes they are pritty much recolors but in my opinion there good ones.
Please comment and rate if you want. Dont mind constrictive cridisism just dont be crule.
MY fan characters are: Flare The hedgehog, Crash The Enchinda, and Fourest. Flare is 15, Crash is Also 16 and fourest is only 7. Yes they are pritty much recolors but in my opinion there good ones.
Please comment and rate if you want. Dont mind constrictive cridisism just dont be crule.
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