I don't like or dislike violent games. However, I dislike using violence for no particular reason. As an example, I think the N64 shooter Goldeneye is a perfect example of correctly using violence as a part of gameplay. There is a little blood, but it's minimal and there only to keep it moderately realistic. There isn't, however, excessive gore. Shot characters fall to the ground and die realistically, and blood doesn't spurt out like some kind of hydraulic system.
However, a lot of games have an insane amount of blood and gore for seamingly only to have blood and gore. I see no point to having blood where it isn't necessary. Mortal Kombat personally annoys me a lot because it is really just a subpar fighter with okay graphics and an insane amount of excess gore. If it weren't for the gore, MK would have never had any success, because the game itself really sucks, to be blunt. But because it was gory and had shock factor, it was a runaway hit that it simply didn't deserve to be.
I think violence in the media isn't anywhere near as much of an issue as a lot of politicians make it out to be. It is not the scapegoat of our society's problems and they would like us to believe. However, it DOES have meaning. There are good reasons not to let kids play violent games. The reason I think that the internet isn't as much of an issue, a441, is because once kids get old enough to find it on their own on the internet, they're old enough to ignore their parent's guidance anyways. I saw the Matrix for the first time when I was 15 and the movie was new by cheating my way around my parents, and at that point my parents decided to let me do what I wanted in terms of my media viewing.
However, I never said my parents were stupid for trying to keep me from seeing the Matrix. I appreciated that they kept me away from watching stuff of that nature for so long, so when I finally did cheat, I was more or less ready to accept violent and sexual stuff. It's not that it's hard to cheat, but that as long as parents are at least paying attention, that is a lot better than nothing, and worth a few minor annoyances, like not being able to play Doom for a few years. Parents like yours, Akira, are what this country needs more of, because they at least care about what you play on a basic level.