english to noobish translator

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That's l33tspeak, not n00b.

n00bs speka lik dis dey dont car abut speling or puctaton u all sux!!!!!!1
That's true dat.

Of course, I don't think anything could beat out Gizoogle. :P

(HA! Yes that's not a link. :P)
Seriously, though, I never see people type like that. Idiots generally don't know what the shift key is, never mind how to use it to look like an idiot. Real idiots simply use the least amount of effort possible to type, so they use no capital letters at all or any punctuation, with the ocassional exception of excessive exclamation points. Anyone you see typing like that translator is intentionally trying to act like a retard.
Mystic said:
53RI0U5|_Y T]-[0UG]-[ i0RZ |\|3\/3r 5333 P/-\0p|_3 TYP3 |_I3K T/-\]-[t0rZ!11!!!1!1 WTF IDI0t5 G3|\|/-\R/-\|_Y D0|\|T K|\|0w wT 5]-[IFT K3Y I5 |\|/-\\//-\R ]\/[I|\|D ]-[0W 2 U53 iT0RZ 2 |_000K |_i3K0rz /-\|\| iDI0T1!11! 0]\/[G WTf |_0|_ R/-\/-\|_ iDI0T5 5I]\/[p|_Y U530rZ t3]-[ |_3/-\5T0RZ ]\/[0U|\|t 0F /-\f0RT P05IB|_3 2 TYP3 50 T]-[/-\Y U530RZ |\|0 C/-\PIt/-\|_ |_/-\t/-\r50rZ /-\T /-\|_ 0R /-\|\|Y Pu|\|Ctu/-\Ti0|\| WItd/-\0C/-\5I0|\|/-\|_ /-\xC3PTI0|\|0RZ 0F 3XC35I3\/ 3Xc|_]\/[/-\TI0|\| P0I|\|t511!11 /-\|\|y0|\|3 U 5333 tYPI|\|G |_I3K T/-\]-[T TR/-\|\|5|_/-\2R i50rZ i|\|T3|\|TI0|\|/-\|_y0RZ TRYi|\|G 2 /-\cT |_I3K /-\ R3T/-\rD!1!1!!1 WTF


PS: I noticed that it sticks a random three letter internet slang (ex. WTF, OMG) at the end of anything you gave it. The translator is n00bish itself. :P
i LOVE u1!!1!!! OMG WTf LOL U LOVA ma1!111!11 Omg WTF WARE AL OnE BIG haPY FMILY!!1!1!! Omg WTF LoL WITA gR3AT BIG hUG AND a KIS fROm Me 2 u1!1111!! OMG LOl WONT U SAY U LoVE ME 2?!?!? oMg LoL

Cookie to the first one who can tell what I put in there.
]-[i i]\/[0Rz Z/-\|\|Y]-[3/-\D /-\|\|D I WI|_ 3/-\T0RZ u /-\|_ I will give a VERY EARLY beta of zak the assassin to the first to translate that.
Let's see:


N00B <-> ENGLISH v1.0.7
Written by Fraser Low (c) 2002-2005
Designed for the Human Brain v13.37 OS
Insert Text below (Enter -help for command line help, -quit to exit the program)


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