Am I The only one besides Chisuun and BlueWarrior that posted a halfway non-sarcastic post here?
Anyway, some hints here for being a newbie mapper (I'm sorta still one):
1. when starting out, there is ALWAYS a way to improve the map.
2. If you've seen it in an official level, it IS possible to do in any map editor. You can study the actual map out of srb2.srb (just don't save over that file) and get how to do things that way.
3. If that fails, go to the wiki, which is located here: you can find how to do a lot of stuff here, but mind the fact that we haven't totally updated it to what applies to 2.0.4.
4. In a last ditch effort, ask here or on IRC.
5. Read these: (all in one convenient link to a bunch of links)
6. If your first map sucks, don't get discouraged, you have to start from somewhere.
7. When posting on the forum ALWAYS have pictures. People need to see something about your map to even think about getting it.
8. Don't rush your map. The quality of a map always goes down if it's rushed.