This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I like to call a Sonihilist, or someone who believes that there's no point for any new Sonic titles to be made. I find this position absurd, frankly. Even though 06 was admittedly horrible and Unleashed was pretty bad as well, Sonic games have been undeniably improving ever since, and it seems pretty likely that they'll keep improving (or at least remaining good) as time goes on. While future games will probably never be exactly like the classics, following the Genesis formula is not the only way to make a good Sonic game, as the modern stages in Generations and the Sonic stages in Adventure 1 (and even SRB2 to some extent) have proven. Just have a little faith, alright? Sega is learning from their mistakes, albeit rather slowly, but regardless, there is a place for Sonic in today's gaming world. Sega hasn't quite found it yet, but it seems they're getting very close.