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E-102 Gamma WAD WIP

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As for the jump height, I'd say 70-90, go any lower and he's not going to be able to get up in too many places.
Looks good, but you're missing the search light on his chest and the targeting thing on his head. I made a Gamma sprite a long time ago, but I lost it. :(
Don't forget the floating piece on his head.
Also, I recommend that this is just labeled as "E-100," as they can come in many colors, like you can change color in srb2.
SonicTheDalek, this is looking great. I'd actually play this when it becomes a WAD, I love robots!
This is also great in another way, since E-102's part in Sonic Adventure kinda sucked, it was a crappy 3rd Person shooter with poor level and boss design. When this becomes a WAD, we can finally play as him in not-so-terrible adventures!
I would make some suggestions, but everybody here has already posted all of the good ones, although I can suggest a few things.
The metal flap between his legs needs to be slightly longer.
His shoulder pads and other parts of his armor should look a little shinier. And another thing, maybe you could set ringslinger to 1 and have him fire bullets or missiles instead of rings, that would be awesome.

*whistles and heads to bed* >.>
I'll Begin said:
STD? Does nobody pay attention to my sexual innuendo filter?
I've done the joke already I'll Begin, long time ago. He actually had somethin about it in his sig afterwards
ViluVector said:
This E-102 is very cool!!!!

My E-102 is very ugly!!!!! XD

True that. =/ And why so many exclamation points? Anyway, This wad is looking good. Will he have a ringsling item like team rebellion?(exeption bizz)
ola said:
ViluVector said:
This E-102 is very cool!!!!

My E-102 is very ugly!!!!! XD

True that. =/ And why so many exclamation points? Anyway, This wad is looking good. Will he have a ringsling item like team rebellion?(exeption bizz)
*starts trying to soc a lazer that looks like hunter's that changes colors and homes like in the game*
E-102 will shoot, yes. (I've yoinked Crawlie's bullet for it, lol!)

As for the playstyle I'm thinking for it to be quite interesting: I've made it so that he doesn't spin, but will jump a lot higher when the spin button is held instead. This will not affect other characters as this uses spinitem. It will also solve the problem for having Gamma not going into areas whereas other characters can gain access to them easily. It may not be true to SA but I think it's very inventive: a character that is slow and can't jump high but also very ability-heavy as Gamma can shoot, hover and can also boost jump as mentioned earlier in this post.

Oh, and I've updated the first frame and made two new ones!

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