Snoc YouTuber
i had an S_SKIN error but now Drunk sonic doesn't show up on the css, people tried to help but nothing work, see if you can figure it out
here is the S_SKIN and SOC_PLAY
name = drunksonic
flags = SF_SUPER
realname = drunk
hudname = DSONIC
startcolor = 96
prefcolor = Blue
supercolor = Purple
ability = CA_THOK
actionspd = 60
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 96
acceleration = 40
contspeed = 17
contangle = 3
SkinName = drunksonic
DisplayName = DrunkSonic
PlayerText = ^4Drunk Sonic^0 Just Had maybe too many Drinks and gotten into a couple Bar fights
^4UNFINISHED^0 This is an unfinished mod :0
Lol Have FUn, Gott go fasst
ive been at this for hours please help
here is the S_SKIN and SOC_PLAY
name = drunksonic
flags = SF_SUPER
realname = drunk
hudname = DSONIC
startcolor = 96
prefcolor = Blue
supercolor = Purple
ability = CA_THOK
actionspd = 60
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 96
acceleration = 40
contspeed = 17
contangle = 3
SkinName = drunksonic
DisplayName = DrunkSonic
PlayerText = ^4Drunk Sonic^0 Just Had maybe too many Drinks and gotten into a couple Bar fights
^4UNFINISHED^0 This is an unfinished mod :0
Lol Have FUn, Gott go fasst
ive been at this for hours please help