Doom Movie

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brianv said:
Whos Sonikku?

Dear brianv ;

I am posting this in reply to a message posted by you in this thread, and
instead of continuing a civil conversation I have decided to flame you.

I am flaming you because:

[X] I can
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[ ] You tried to end this discussion by invoking Godwin's Law
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[ ] You use the color/bold/underline tags excessively
[ ] You filled out one of these forms and directed it at me
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In retaliation, I:

[X] Compare you to a part of the human anatomy
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[X] Nonexistant
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[X] Smear/soak you in
[X] Feces
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[X] Kerosene
[X] Tabasco sauce
[X] Hydrochloric Acid
[X] Will contact/conjure/discover
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[ ] A website that refutes your opinions
[ ] A definition in the dictionary that makes you look stupid for using a word wrong
[X] My own forum/list/blog where I can mock you without fear of retribution
[X] An associate/affiliate who is someone IMPORTANT who can do BAD THINGS to you

I feel that:

[X] By flaming at you, I can make you stop posting
[X] You are a Nazi/Facist/Dictator
[ ] You are abusing your powers as a Moderator/Administrator
[X] I am right
[X] I am intrinsically better than you in every way
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[X] You are not civilized enough to post in these forums
[ ] You have committed crimes against pork biproducts
[ ] You all suck
[X] Your spouse/significant other is
[ ] Related to you
[ ] Of a different species
[X] Nonexistant

As proof of my credability, I:

[ ] Will use the color/bold/underline tags excessively
[ ] Have been banned from other forums/lists/blogs that share your opinion
[X] Have a website that
[] Has a forum
[ ] Has been featured on
[ ] Has been featured on
[X] I made all by myself
[ ] Uses the <blink> tag
[X] Have been cited as an expert by
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[X] Several sources I can/will not disclose at this time
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[ ] The National Enquirer
[ ] Weekly World News
[X] Adult magazines ;)

As punishment, you should:

[X] Give up your AOL Internet account
[X] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[X] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the f****** FAQ
[X] Go to your room with no supper
[X] Apologize to everybody on this forum
[ ] Go stand in the middle of a Highway
[ ] Recite the Greek alphabet backwards
[X] Take a bath in bleach
[ ] Drink out of a spittoon/toilet
[X] Grind a rail on your scrotum
[X] Be forced to watch a 72-hour "Hamtaro" Marathon
[X] Eat/suck/lick my
[X] Ass
[X] Genitals
[ ] Feet
[ ] Back
[X] Grandmother
[ ] House pet

[ ] All of the above

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] All your base are belong to me
[ ] QED
[ ] 1 R 1337
[X] Pwned
[ ] GG no re
[X] Get a life
[ ] Me > u
[X] Never post again
[X] I pity your dog
[ ] Go to hell
[X] I'm leaving!
[ ] ...and this time I really mean it!
[X] Go back under your rock
[X] Your IQ must be 7
[X] Take your s*** somewhere else
[X] Learn to post or f*** off
[ ] Go jump into some industrial equipment
[ ] STFU botter
[X] "...and the horse you rode in on!"
[ ] All of the above
Remember that Brainv is very new here for know him (and he joined AFTER the Johnny Wallbank (I mispelled it, sure) episode, remember?)
Sik said:
Do you know who's the REAL owner of that "flame"? Mystic (sometimes he use it for warning, but inside a quote, you fail BigBoi!!!)

Read the "As punishment, you should: " section :lol:
lava said:
So bad i missed it
Do i care anyway,it does not look like Doom...and it does not feel like Doom either so its not Doom

P.S:It was made by fans not by ID Software(Beciuse ID-Software are toooooooooooooooooooooooooo lazy to make a movie)

Because I don't feel like filling out a flame form, I propose that you should first think about what you are saying before you post, please. Although it is not the original Doom, it is still the incarnation that ID software decided was final, so therefore, that's what they would have as the Doom movie.

As stated before, hardly any game companies make movies, and generally don't watch over the production. Even though I think the original Doom was far superior to the Doom 3 style, I'm just glad that they kept Universal on the right track.

Wow, big post... I need to be less rude sometime, oh well.
It seems Universel is going on the right track. I can identify the demons from Doom3 and the classic games. The move to mars is not really a big problem. Some changes do need to be made for a movie conversion and I completly understand.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the move to Mars"... didn't it always take place on Mars? (Well, Phobos, okay, but that's still Mars' moon...)
Shadow Hog said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "the move to Mars"... didn't it always take place on Mars? (Well, Phobos, okay, but that's still Mars' moon...)

Originally, rumors were flying around that the film's story would not take place on Mars or it's moons.

As for the movie itself, I'll watch the heck out of it. I'm not a big fan of DOOM, but I am a fan of The Rock.
That last one was named lava, HD.

Oh, and akira, what'd you mean by the classic games? I only saw Doom 3 monsters in there, unless you count the zombies, and they hardly changed game to game. I did see some outdoor scenes, so that may follow the original Doom more. If you recall, the original game had many outdoor parts, so that meant the moons were terraformed. Truth be told, I liked the Phobos/Deimos idea. It would have been cool to have a Doom 1 episodes where you go through Mars, however.
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